
生活学习2024-02-12 10:34:41自考教育网



1. existing的基本含义



2. existing的读音


3. existing的同义词


4. existing的例句

(1) The existing rules and regulations need to be updated.


(2) The company is struggling to survive in the existing market.


(3) There are some problems with the existing system that need to be addressed.


(4) The existing building will be renovated next year.


(5) The new policy will have a significant impact on the existing economic situation.


5. existing的相关词汇

- existence (n. 存在)

- exist (v. 存在,生存)

- non-existent (adj. 不存在的)

- coexist (v. 共存)

- preexisting (adj. 先前存在的)

6. existing在不同语境中的用法

(1) Existing作为形容词时,通常用来描述某个事物或者情况目前已经存在或者正在进行中。例如:existing conditions (现有条件)、existing problems (现有问题)。

(2) Existing作为动词时,通常用来表示某个事物或者情况在某个时间点已经存在。例如:The company has been existing for over 50 years. (这家公司已经存在超过50年了。)


1. existing的发音

existing的发音为 [ɪɡ'zɪstɪŋ],其中重读音节为第一个i。

2. existing的词性


3. existing的同义词

- current:意为“现在的,当前的”,常用来表示目前存在或正在进行中的事物。

- present:意为“目前的,现在的”,与current含义相似,但更偏向于强调时间上的连续性。

- available:意为“可获得的,可利用的”,常用来表示某物可以被使用或获取到。

- extant:意为“现存的,尚存活着的”,通常用来描述文献、文件等仍然存在于世上。

- in existence:意为“存在着,在世上存在着”,常用来指某物仍然存在而没有消失。

4. existing在句中的例句

1) The company is struggling to maintain its existing customer base.


2) We need to update our existing technology to stay competitive.


3) The report highlights the current challenges of the existing healthcare system.


4) The extant manuscripts provide valuable insights into ancient Chinese culture.


5) The museum has a collection of rare objects that are still in existence.


5. existing的常见用法

- existing conditions:指已经存在的情况或状态。

- existing laws:指当前有效的法律。

- existing resources:指现有的资源,通常用来表示可以利用或开发的资源。

- existing problems:指目前存在的问题,常用来描述需要解决或改善的事物。

6. existing与其他词汇搭配

- existing knowledge:现有知识,指已经被发现或掌握到的知识。

- existing market:现有市场,指已经存在并运作中的市场。

- existing system:现有系统,指当前使用或运行中的系统。

- existing technology:现有技术,指已经发明或应用到实践中的技术。

existing是一个形容词,意为“现存的,现有的”,常用来修饰名词。其发音为[ɪɡ'zɪstɪŋ],名词形式为existence。其同义词包括current、present、available等。在句中常用来描述某物仍然存在、需要更新、面临挑战等情况。常见搭配有existing conditions、existing laws、existing resources等


1. existing的意思是“现有的”或“已存在的”。它是由单词exist和后缀-ing组合而成,表示某物或某人已经存在或仍然存在。

2. existing的同义词包括:current, present, prevailing, ongoing等。例如:The existing situation is causing a lot of problems. (现有的情况正在引发很多问题。)

3. existing怎么读?[ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ],注意第一音节为短元音,第二个音节重读。

4. 以下是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解existing的用法:

- The existing system needs to be updated. (现有的系统需要更新。)

- The company will continue to operate with its existing staff. (公司将继续使用现有的员工进行运营。)

- We need to find a solution that works for both the existing and new customers. (我们需要找到一个既适用于现有客户又适用于新客户的解决方案。)

- Despite the challenges, the business has been able to maintain its existing customer base. (尽管面临挑战,该企业仍能保持其现有客户群。)


1. Existing definition

2. How to pronounce existing

3. Synonyms for existing

4. Example sentences using existing

1. Existing definition:

Existing is an adjective that describes something that is currently in existence, or already present or in use. It can also refer to something that is currently happening or taking place.

2. How to pronounce existing:

The word "existing" is pronounced as /ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ/ (ig-zist-ing). The stress is on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for existing:

- Present: This word can be used as a synonym for existing, especially when referring to something that is currently in existence.

- Current: This adjective means something that is happening or taking place at the present time.

- Active: This word can be used as a synonym for existing when referring to something that is currently in use or functioning.

- In existence: This phrase means something that exists at the present time.

- Alive: Although typically used to describe living beings, this word can also be used as a synonym for existing when referring to things such as ideas or traditions.

4. Example sentences using existing:

- The company has no plans to change its existing policies.

- The current system of education needs improvement.

- The active volcano poses a threat to the surrounding area.

- Many ancient ruins are still in existence today.

- The tradition of celebrating Christmas has been kept alive for centuries


1. Prevalent: 普遍的,存在的

例句:The existing problem is prevalent in our society.


2. Ongoing: 进行中的,持续存在的

例句:We need to find a solution to the ongoing issue.


3. Current: 当前的,现有的

例句:The current situation calls for immediate action.


4. Present: 现有的,目前存在的

例句:The present circumstances require us to make some changes.


5. Existing: 存在着的,现有的

例句:We must address the existing problems before they worsen.



