
生活学习2024-02-12 11:20:27自考教育网




1. expected的拼音是“ik'spektid”,其中“expect”为动词,意为“期待、预计”,而“-ed”则表示过去式或过去分词形式。

2. 在英语中,动词的过去式和过去分词形式通常由动词原形后加上-ed构成,但也有一些特殊情况,如不规则动词的变化形式。

3. “expect”的过去式和过去分词形式都是“expected”,因此在拼音中也保留了这种相同的结构。

4. 作为一个常用的英语单词,expected可以用作形容词或名词,表示“预期的、期望的”或“期望值、预计值”等含义。

5. 在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到类似的疑问,“这个单词是什么意思?它怎么发音?”通过学习拼音可以帮助我们更准确地理解和使用英语单词。

6. 除了expected外,还有许多其他单词也具有类似的拼音结构,如collected(收集)、protected(保护)、selected(选择)等。通过掌握这些基本规律,我们可以更快地学习和记忆新单词。

7. 如果你想进一步提高自己的英语水平,在学习拼音的同时,也可以多阅读英语文章、听英语歌曲和观看英语电影,以加强对单词的理解和运用能力。

8. 总的来说,expected是一个常用且重要的英语单词,它的拼音为ik'spektid,通过学习拼音可以帮助我们更好地理解和使用它。同时,也可以借此机会进一步提升自己的英语能力


1. 期待的是什么?


2. 如何正确读音?

expected的正确读音是 /ɪkˈspektɪd/,其中重音在第二个音节。如果你想更准确地模仿英美人士的发音,可以将第一个音节读得更轻一些。

3. 有什么同义词?


4. 是否有反义词?

是的,unexpected就是expected的反义词。它表示出乎意料之外、意外发生的事情。当我们遇到意外情况时,可以说“This was unexpected.”(这是出乎意料之外的。)

5. expected还有其他含义吗?

除了作为形容词表示“预期的”外,expected也可以作为动词使用,意思是“期待”、“盼望”。例如,“I am expecting a package today.”(我今天盼望着收到一个包裹。)此外,在数学中,expected还有“期望值”的意思,表示某个随机变量的平均值


1. 什么是expected


2. expected的用法

a. 作形容词时,expected可以修饰名词,表示某件事情或者情况是预期的、期望的。例如:“The expected result of the experiment was achieved.”(实验达到了预期结果。)

b. 作动词时,expected可以和to一起构成短语“be expected to”,表示某人应该做某事或者被指望做某事。例如:“You are expected to arrive on time.”(你应该准时到达。)

3. 双语例句

a. The company's performance is better than expected this quarter.


b. The new product is expected to be a big hit in the market.


c. I am not sure what is expected of me in this new role.


d. She is always exceeding our expectations and doing more than what is expected of her.



1. 在预期范围内 (within expected range)


2. 预计发生 (expected to happen)


3. 预计成本 (expected cost)


4. 预期收益 (expected return/profit)


5. 预期结果 (expected outcome)


6. 预计时间 (expected time)


7. 预期变化 (expected change)


8. 预计反应 (expected reaction/response)



1. Anticipated – 预期的

2. Predicted – 预测的

3. Projected – 预计的

4. Estimated – 估计的

5. Foreseen – 预见的

6. Awaited – 等待的

7. Presumed – 假定的

8. Envisioned – 想象的

9. Counted on – 依赖的

10. Hoped for – 希望的

11. Assumed – 假设的

12. Imagined – 想象的

13. Planned for – 计划好的

14. Likely – 可能的

15. Prospective - 预期的

1. Anticipated - This word is used to describe something that is expected to happen or be present in the future.

2. Predicted - Similar to "anticipated," this word also refers to something that is expected to happen based on previous knowledge or evidence.

3. Projected - This word is often used in a more formal setting and means to estimate or calculate something based on current trends or data.

4. Estimated - Used when an approximate amount or value is given, this word can also imply that there may be some uncertainty in the expectation.

5. Foreseen - This word means to have predicted or anticipated something before it actually happens.

6 .Awaited - Used when something has been eagerly anticipated and people have been waiting for it to happen.

7 .Presumed - Similar to "assumed," this word means that something is believed to be true without any concrete evidence.

8 .Envisioned - This word implies a strong sense of imagination and suggests that the expectation has been visualized in one's mind.

9 .Counted on - When someone or something is relied upon to fulfill an expectation, this phrase can be used.

10. Hoped for - This phrase refers to something that is desired or wished for, but may not necessarily be expected.

11. Assumed - Similar to "presumed," this word means that something is believed to be true without any concrete evidence.

12. Imagined - This word suggests that the expectation is based on one's imagination or creativity.

13. Planned for - When an expectation has been carefully thought out and preparations have been made for it, this phrase can be used.

14. Likely - This word means that something has a high chance of happening based on current information or circumstances.

15. Prospective - Used to describe something that is expected or likely to happen in the future, this word also implies a sense of potential or possibility

