
生活学习2024-02-12 13:18:00自考教育网



1. 拼音:[ɪkˈspoʊz]


2. 英语中,expose一词可以作为动词使用,意为“暴露”、“揭露”、“使曝光”。它的词源来自拉丁语的exponere,意为“放置”,由ex(出)和ponere(放置)两个词组成。

3. 在汉语中,它可以被翻译为“揭发”、“曝光”、“暴露”等。常用于描述某件事或某人的真相被公开或发现。

4. 例如:The journalist exposed the corruption scandal of the government.(记者揭发了政府的腐败丑闻。)

5. expose也可以指暴露在外面的状态,例如:The film was exposed to sunlight for too long and got damaged.(这部电影暴露在阳光下太久而受损。)

6. 此外,在摄影术语中,expose也有“曝光”的意思,指通过控制相机快门时间和光圈大小来控制照片的亮度。

7. expose还可以作为名词使用,表示“暴露”或“曝光”的行为或状态。例如:The expose of the company's corruption shocked the public.(公司腐败的曝光令公众震惊。)

8. 总结:expose是一个多义词,可以作为动词和名词使用,意为“暴露”、“揭露”、“使曝光”。它的拼音为[ɪkˈspoʊz]。在汉语中,它可以被翻译为“揭发”、“曝光”、“暴露”等





4.用法:“expose”通常与“to”连用,表示暴露或揭露某人或某事物。例如:“The journalist exposed the corruption scandal to the public.”(那位记者向公众揭露了腐败丑闻。)同时,“expose”也可以作被动语态使用,表示某人或某事物被暴露或揭露。例如:“The corruption scandal was exposed by the journalist.”(腐败丑闻被那位记者揭露了。)





1. expose的词性


2. expose的词源


3. expose在不同语境下的含义

- 暴露:指将某事物或某人原本隐藏起来的真相或秘密公之于众。

例:The journalist was determined to expose the corruption within the government.(那名记者决心要揭发政府内部的腐败行为。)

- 揭露:指透过调查或研究等方式将某事物或某人原本未被知晓的情况公之于众。

例:The documentary aims to expose the truth behind the controversial event.(这部纪录片旨在揭露那场有争议事件背后的真相。)

- 曝光:指让某物暴露在阳光下或公众视野中,使其受到更多关注。

例:The celebrity's scandal was exposed by the media.(媒体曝光了这位名人的丑闻。)

4. expose与其他词汇的搭配

- expose oneself to:暴露自己于某种危险或不良影响之中。

例:He constantly exposes himself to dangerous situations for the sake of thrill and excitement.(他为了刺激和兴奋经常将自己置身于危险的情况中。)

- expose someone/something to:让某人或某物暴露在某种环境或情况下。

例:The children were exposed to different cultures during their trip abroad.(孩子们在出国旅行期间接触到了不同的文化。)

- expose the truth:揭露真相。

例:The whistleblower finally exposed the truth about the company's illegal activities.(那名告密者最终揭露了公司非法活动的真相。)

5. 其他相关词汇

- exposure(名词):暴露、揭露、曝光

例:The exposure of his lies caused a scandal in the political world.(他谎言的曝光在政界引起了一场丑闻。)

- exposé(名词):揭发文章、报道

例:The journalist's exposé on the corruption within the government gained widespread attention.(那名记者关于政府内部腐败的揭发文章引起了广泛关注。)


1. 定义


2. 解释


3. 同义词


4. 暗含意义


5. 例句


- The documentary exposed the dark side of the fashion industry.


- The whistleblower exposed the company's illegal activities.


- The leaked emails exposed the politician's corruption.


6. 注意事项


- 避免使用过度夸张的词语,比如“shocking”、“scandalous”等,以免影响文章的客观性。

- 在报道中要注明来源和证据,以保证信息的真实性。

- 尊重被曝光者的隐私权和人格权,避免侵犯他人合法权益。



1. 什么是expose?


2. 如何使用expose?


- The journalist exposed the corruption scandal in the government.


- The documentary exposed the harsh living conditions of the factory workers.


3. expose也可以作名词,表示“曝光”、“暴露”的意思。例如:

- The expose of the company's illegal activities caused a public outcry.


4. expose也可以表示“使遭受……的危险”,常与介词to连用。例如:

- Children are often exposed to harmful chemicals in household products.


5. 例句

- The celebrity's personal life was exposed by paparazzi, causing a lot of controversy.


- The whistleblower exposed the company's unethical practices, leading to an investigation.


- The documentary aims to expose the truth about climate change and its impact on the environment.



1. Reveal

- The journalist's article exposed the corruption within the government.

- The documentary film exposed the harsh living conditions of the refugees.

2. Uncover

- The investigation uncovered evidence of embezzlement by the company's CEO.

- The artist's work aims to uncover the hidden truths of society.

3. Disclose

- The whistleblower disclosed confidential information about the company's unethical practices.

- The politician was forced to disclose his financial records.

4. Expose

- The scandalous photos exposed the celebrity's secret affair.

- The undercover reporter exposed the illegal activities of the drug cartel.

5. Lay bare

- The book lays bare the dark history of colonization in Africa.

- The therapist helps her clients lay bare their deepest fears and insecurities.

6. Bring to light

- The new evidence brought to light by the detective led to a breakthrough in the case.

- This documentary aims to bring to light the environmental impact of fast fashion.

7. Unveil

- The artist unveiled her latest masterpiece at a gallery opening.

- The CEO unveiled their new product at a press conference.

8. Show/Reveal/Expose someone or something for what they really are

- His actions showed/revealed/exposed him for what he really was - a fraud.

- This documentary aims to expose fast fashion for what it really is - harmful and unsustainable.

9. Lay open

- His careless remarks laid open his true intentions.

- The investigation laid open a web of corruption within the organization.

10. Make known

-The whistleblower made known information about illegal activities within the company.

-The purpose of this campaign is to make known the dangers of plastic pollution on our planet.

11. Expose someone's true colors/motives/intentions

-The scandal exposed his true colors as a manipulative and deceitful person.

-The leaked emails exposed their true motives behind supporting a controversial policy.

12. Unmask

-The journalist's investigation helped to unmask the corrupt officials.

-The documentary aims to unmask the truth behind a famous conspiracy theory.

13. Bring out into the open

-The #MeToo movement brought out into the open the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault.

-The leaked documents brought out into the open the company's illegal activities.

14. Lay out in the open

- The report laid out in the open the flaws in our current education system.

- The whistleblower laid out in the open evidence of embezzlement within the company.

15. Air

- The TV show aims to air controversial topics and expose societal issues.

- The article aired grievances against a corrupt government official

