
生活学习2024-02-12 13:22:23自考教育网



1. “exposures”是一个英语单词,读作/ɪkˈspoʊʒərz/。其中,“ex”发音为/ɪkz/,“posures”发音为/poʊʒərz/。

2. “exposures”的同义词包括:revealings、disclosures、unveilings等。


3. 例句:

- The artist's latest exhibition explores the theme of human exposure to technology.


- The documentary film exposes the harsh realities of child labor in developing countries.


- The politician's corruption was brought to light by the media's exposure.



1. 概念解释


2. 同义词

exposures的同义词包括:revelations, disclosures, unveilings等。

3. 例句

- His constant exposures to the sun resulted in a severe sunburn.


- The scandal caused by the exposures of the company's financial fraud shocked the public.


- The photographer adjusted the camera settings to get the perfect exposure for the photo.


4. 解读


5. 注意事项




1. 如何读:首先,我们要注意这个词的重音在第二个音节上,即“spo”。发音时要把重点放在这个音节上,然后快速地读完剩下的部分。记住这个规律,你就可以轻松地念出“exposures”啦!

2. 同义词:其实,“exposures”的意思并不复杂,它指的是暴露、曝光或者揭露某件事情或某人的真相。如果你想要用更简单的词来表达同样的意思,可以使用“reveals”、“unveils”、“discloses”等同义词。

3. 例句:现在让我们来看几个例句,更加直观地了解一下“exposures”的用法吧!比如,“The documentary film exposes the harsh living conditions of the local residents.”(这部纪录片揭露了当地居民艰苦的生活条件。)又比如,“The newspaper article exposed the corruption scandal of the government.”(这篇报纸文章曝光了政府的腐败丑闻。)



1. 意思:exposures是指暴露或接触某种物质、情况或环境的经历或经验。

2. 怎么读:[ɪkˈspəʊʒəz],重音在第二个音节。

3. 同义词:contact, experience, encounter, involvement.

4. 例句:

- Regular exposures to sunlight can increase the risk of skin cancer. (经常暴露在阳光下会增加患皮肤癌的风险。)

- The documentary exposes the harsh living conditions of the workers in the factory. (这部纪录片揭露了工厂工人的恶劣生活条件。)

- Children should be protected from harmful exposures to violence and pornography. (应该保护儿童免受暴力和色情的有害暴露。)

- Her job requires frequent exposures to different cultures and languages. (她的工作要求频繁地接触不同的文化和语言。)


1. Exposure to something - 暴露于某物

例句:The workers were at risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.

2. Long-term exposure - 长期暴露

例句:Long-term exposure to the sun can cause skin damage.

3. High exposure - 高暴露度

例句:The high exposure to noise in the workplace can lead to hearing loss.

4. Exposure therapy - 暴露疗法

例句:Exposure therapy is often used to treat phobias.

5. Risk exposure - 风险暴露

例句:Investors need to be aware of their risk exposure when making financial decisions.

6. Exposure limit - 暴露限值

例句:The company has set a strict exposure limit for its employees working with hazardous materials.

7. Direct exposure - 直接暴露

例句:Direct exposure to the virus can result in infection.

8. Indirect exposure - 间接暴露

例句:Indirect exposure to secondhand smoke can still have negative health effects.

9. Cultural exposures - 文化体验

例句:Traveling abroad provides opportunities for cultural exposures and learning about different ways of life.

10. Light exposures - 光线曝光量

例句:Photographers need to carefully control light exposures in order to capture the perfect shot


1. Experiences:经历,体验,指一个人所经历过的事情或感受到的事物。

例句:Her experiences in a foreign country have broadened her perspective.

2. Encounters:遭遇,偶然碰到,指偶然遇到的人或事。

例句:Their chance encounter at the coffee shop led to a lifelong friendship.

3. Incidents:事件,事故,指发生的某件事情。

例句:The incident at the amusement park left many people injured.

4. Situations:情况,处境,指某种特定的状态或环境。

例句:In emergency situations, it's important to remain calm and think rationally.

5. Circumstances:环境,条件,指周围的条件或环境对某人造成的影响。

例句:Due to unforeseen circumstances, the event had to be cancelled.

6. Occurrences:发生的事情,事件,指某件发生过的事情。

例句:The frequent occurrences of theft in the neighborhood have raised concerns among residents.

7. Happenings:发生的事件,活动,指某个时间段内发生过的各种活动或事件。

例句: The festival was full of exciting happenings, from live music performances to food tastings.

8. Episodes:片段,插曲,指一段时间内发生过的一系列相关事件或经历。

例句: The TV show is known for its dramatic episodes and unexpected plot twists.

9. Instances:实例,情况说明,指具体的例子或情况说明。

例句: There have been instances where students have cheated on exams and faced serious consequences.

10. Exposures:暴露,揭露,指某人或某物被暴露在公众面前或被揭露出来的事实。

例句: The politician's past scandals and corrupt actions were exposed by the media

