
生活学习2024-02-12 14:17:32自考教育网



The pronunciation of extracted

1. 意思:extracted是动词extract的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“提取、抽取、拔出”。在英语中,该单词通常用来指从某物中取出或获得所需的部分或信息。

2. 读音:extracted的发音为/ɪkˈstræktɪd/,其中重音在第一音节上。发音时,注意将第一个元音/i/和第二个元音/a/分开发音,同时重读第一个元音/i/。

3. 同义词:抽取、提取、拔出、摘录

4. 例句:

- The dentist extracted my tooth because it was causing me a lot of pain.


- The scientist extracted DNA from the blood sample for further analysis.


- The teacher extracted key information from the textbook to help students understand the main concepts.


- The company has successfully extracted oil from deep underground.


Is extracted an idiom?

1. 什么是idiom?

2. extracted的意思是什么?

3. extracted怎么读?

4. extracted的同义词有哪些?

5. 例句:如何在句子中使用extracted?

1. 什么是idiom?


2. extracted的意思是什么?


3. extracted怎么读?


4. extracted的同义词有哪些?


5. 例句:如何在句子中使用extracted?

- The doctor extracted a tooth from the patient's mouth.


- The information was extracted from various sources and compiled into a report.


- She extracted the key from her pocket and opened the door.


- The company has successfully extracted oil from this new field.


- The quotation was extracted from a famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr.


Usage and examples of extracted

1. Definition of extracted

Extracted is the past tense and past participle form of the verb "extract", which means to remove or take out something from a larger whole. It can also refer to obtaining information or meaning from a source.

2. Pronunciation of extracted

The word "extracted" is pronounced as /ɪkˈstræktɪd/ in American English and /ɪkˈstraktɪd/ in British English.

3. Synonyms of extracted

Other words that can be used interchangeably with "extracted" include: removed, withdrawn, taken out, derived, obtained, elicited, gleaned.

4. Examples of usage

- The dentist extracted my wisdom tooth.

- The teacher extracted the main idea from the text.

- The scientist extracted DNA from the blood sample.

- The detective extracted a confession from the suspect.

- The chef extracted flavor from the herbs by boiling them.

5. Idiomatic expressions with "extracted"

- To extract blood: to draw blood for medical purposes.

Example: The nurse had to extract blood from my arm for testing.

- To extract a promise: to obtain a promise from someone.

Example: She managed to extract a promise from her boss for a raise next year.

6. Common collocations with "extracted"

- Extracted information/data/content: information that has been taken out or obtained from a source.

Example: The report contains all the extracted data on customer satisfaction.

- Extracted teeth/wisdom teeth: teeth that have been removed by a dentist.

Example: After my surgery, I had two extracted wisdom teeth in my hand.

7. Other forms of "extract"

Some other forms of the verb "extract" include:

- Extracting (present participle)

Example: The process of extracting oil is complex and requires specialized equipment.

- Extractor (noun)

Example: The extractor is used to remove the juice from fruits and vegetables.

- Extractable (adjective)

Example: The data is easily extractable from the system.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, "extracted" refers to something that has been taken out or obtained from a larger whole. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical removal, obtaining information or meaning, and idiomatic expressions. Remember to use it correctly in its different forms for effective communication

Antonyms and synonyms of extracted

1. Antonyms of extracted: inserted, implanted, embedded

- Extracted means to remove or take out something from a larger whole. The opposite of extracted would be to insert, implant, or embed something into something else. For example, when a dentist extracts a tooth, they are removing it from the mouth. On the other hand, when a dentist inserts an implant into the jawbone, they are adding something into the mouth.

2. Synonyms of extracted: removed, withdrawn, pulled out

- Some synonyms of extracted include removed, withdrawn, and pulled out. These words all convey the idea of taking something out from its original place. For instance, when a surgeon removes an organ from the body during surgery, they are extracting it. Similarly, when you withdraw money from your bank account, you are taking it out.

3. Examples:

- The dentist extracted my wisdom tooth because it was causing me pain.

- The archaeologist carefully extracted the ancient artifact from the ground.

- I had to extract all the information I needed from that lengthy report.

- She skillfully removed the splinter that was embedded in my finger.

- Withdrawing money from an ATM is very convenient.

- The surgeon had to pull out the bullet that was lodged in his patient's leg.

In conclusion, extracted has antonyms such as inserted and synonyms such as removed. It is important to understand these words and their meanings in order to use them correctly in different contexts. Remember that extracting means taking something out while inserting means putting something in. Next time you hear someone talking about extracting or inserting something, you'll know exactly what they mean!

Explanation of extracted

1. 精华提取:extracted一词的字面意思是“提取”,通常用于指从原材料或混合物中提取出特定的成分或物质。例如:The oil was extracted from the seeds using a special machine.(这种油是用特殊机器从种子中提取出来的。)

2. 读音:extracted的正确发音为/ɪkˈstræktɪd/,重音在第一个音节。

3. 同义词:extracted可以被替换为extract, obtain, isolate等词,它们都有“提取、获得”的意思。

4. 例句:a) The juice is extracted from fresh fruits without any additives.(果汁是从新鲜水果中提取出来的,没有添加剂。)

b) The company has successfully extracted rare minerals from the mine.(该公司成功地从矿山中提取了稀有矿物质。)

c) We need to extract the key information from this report to make our decision.(我们需要从这份报告中提取关键信息来做出决定。)

5. 总结:extracted一词可以指物理上的提取,也可以指抽象概念的获取。它是一个常用于科技领域的动词,也可以用于日常生活中描述某些过程或行为

