
生活学习2024-02-12 19:42:26自考教育网







farewell源自中古英语的“fare wel”,意为“旅途平安”。它由两个单词组成,其中“fare”指旅行或旅途,而“wel”则表示好的祝愿。因此,原始含义为祝愿旅途平安。


其他与farewell意思相近的单词包括goodbye、adieu、adios、au revoir等。它们都是表示告别的常用语,但在不同语境下可能有所差异。


a) She bid her friends farewell and set off on her journey.


b) Farewell, my dear friend. I will miss you.


c) He said his final farewells to his family before leaving for college.



1. Farewell是一个英语单词,来自于古英语的“fare well”,意为“祝你好运,再见”。它通常用作告别时的道别语,表示对离开者的祝福和祝愿。

2. Farewell可以作为动词、名词和感叹词使用。作为动词时,意为“告别,辞别;放弃”。作为名词时,指的是告别仪式或告别辞。而作为感叹词时,则用于表达惊讶、遗憾或悲伤的情绪。

3. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到farewell这个单词。比如,在朋友离开前我们会说一句“Farewell, my friend”,表达对他们的祝福和不舍;在电影或小说中,也经常会出现主角要离开时说出“Farewell”的场景。

4. Farewell也可以用作同义词替换其他表达道别的单词,比如goodbye、bye、see you later等。但它更多地带有一种温馨和真挚的情感,适合用于亲密关系或重要场合。

5. 除了在英语中使用外,在其他语言中也有类似含义的单词。比如法语中的adieu、西班牙语中的adiós、德语中的Auf Wiedersehen等,都可以与farewell意思相近。

6. 总的来说,farewell是一个富有情感色彩的单词,它不仅仅是简单的告别语,更体现了人与人之间的情感和关系。无论是在英语学习中还是日常生活中,了解并正确使用farewell都能带来更多的交流和理解


1. “farewell”是一个英语单词,读作[fɛːˈwɛl]。

2. 它的意思是“告别”,常用作名词或动词。

3. “farewell”也可以表示“离别的”,用作形容词。

4. 同义词:goodbye, adieu, parting, valediction等。

5. 例句:

- He said a tearful farewell to his family before leaving for college.


- The farewell party for our boss was a great success.


- This is my final farewell to this city as I am moving to a new place tomorrow.


6. “farewell”也可以用作问候语,表示祝福或道别。

- Farewell and good luck on your journey!


- Farewell, my friend. I will miss you.


7. 在文学作品中,“farewell”也经常被使用,表达不同的含义。

- Shakespeare在《哈姆雷特》中写道:“Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.” (再见!上帝知道我们何时能再相聚。)

- Charles Dickens在《双城记》中写道:“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.” (我所做的这件事,比我以往所做的任何事都更美好;我将去往的那个地方,比我曾经经历过的任何休息都更美好。)


1. farewell是什么意思


2. farewell怎么读


3. farewell同义词

Farewell的同义词有goodbye、adios、au revoir等。它们都可以用来表示告别或道别。

4. farewell的例句

- She bid her family farewell and set off on her journey.


- The company held a farewell party for the retiring CEO.


- Farewell, my dear friend. I will miss you.


- He gave a heartfelt farewell speech to his colleagues.



1. Goodbye: 这是farewell最常见的同义词,意为“再见”,用于告别时的道别语。例如:She said farewell to her friends before leaving for college.(她在去大学前向朋友们道别。)

2. Parting words: 这个短语也可以用来代替farewell,表示离别时说的话。例如:His parting words were filled with emotion as he bid farewell to his hometown.(他离开家乡时,说出了充满感情的告别话语。)

3. Adieu: 这个词源于法语,也是一种正式的告别方式,意为“再会”。例如:The guests said their adieus and left the party.(客人们道别后离开了派对。)

4. See you later: 这是一种非正式的告别方式,意为“待会儿见”。例如:I have to go now, see you later!(我得走了,待会儿见!)

5. Fare thee well: 这个词组也可以用来表达farewell的含义,尤其在文学作品中常被使用。它的意思是“祝你一路顺风”。例如:As she watched her son leave for war, the mother cried out, "Fare thee well, my dear!" (母亲看着儿子去参战,大声喊道:“祝你一路顺风,我的孩子!”)

6. So long: 这是一种非正式的告别方式,意为“再见”。它通常用于暂时的分别,表示不久后会再见面。例如:So long, my friend. I'll see you at the reunion next year.(再见了,我的朋友。明年重聚时我们再见!)

7. Hasta la vista: 这是西班牙语中的告别语,意为“下次见面”。它也经常被用来表达farewell的含义。例如:Hasta la vista, baby!(下次见,宝贝!)

8. Take care: 这是一种关心和祝福的告别方式,意为“保重”。例如:I have to go now, take care of yourself!(我得走了,保重!)

9. Bon voyage: 这个法语短语通常用于旅行前对旅行者的祝福,意为“一路顺风”。例如:As they boarded the plane, their friends shouted, "Bon voyage!" (他们登上飞机时,朋友们大声喊道:“一路顺风!”)

10. Sayonara: 这是日语中的告别语,也可以用来表达farewell。它的意思是“再会”。例如:After living in Japan for two years, it was time to say sayonara to all of my friends there.(在日本生活了两年后,是时候向那里所有的朋友说再见了。)


1. Goodbye - "Farewell" is often used as a formal way of saying goodbye, especially when parting with someone for a long time.

Example: It was hard to say farewell to my best friend as she moved to another country.

2. Adieu - This word is commonly used in French and has the same meaning as "farewell".

Example: As the play ended, the actors bid adieu to the audience.

3. See you later - This phrase is more casual and can be used as a synonym for "farewell".

Example: I have to go now, see you later!

4. Bye-bye - Another informal way of saying goodbye, which can also be used as a synonym for "farewell".

Example: The children waved bye-bye to their grandparents as they left for their trip.

5. So long - This phrase is often used in a lighthearted manner and can be used as a playful synonym for "farewell".

Example: So long, my friend! Have a safe journey.

6. Take care - This phrase is commonly used when saying goodbye to someone who may be going through a difficult time.

Example: It's been great working with you, take care of yourself!

7. Fare thee well - This phrase has an old-fashioned feel and can be used as a more poetic synonym for "farewell".

Example: As he sailed off into the sunset, she whispered "fare thee well" with tears in her eyes.

8. Adios - A Spanish word that means "goodbye", which can also be used as a synonym for "farewell".

Example: Adios, my dear friend! I'll miss you.

9. Sayonara - A Japanese word that means "goodbye", which can also be used as a synonym for "farewell".

Example: As I boarded the plane, I said sayonara to my home country.

10. Cheerio - A British term that can be used as a playful synonym for "farewell".

Example: Cheerio, old chap! See you at the pub later

farewell是一个名词,意为“告别”,读作[fəˈwɛl]。它源自中古英语的“fare wel”和古英语的“fare well”,意为“祝你一路顺风”。在日常生活中,我们常用这个词来表达离别时的祝福和道别。比如,在旅行时,我们会对朋友说“farewell”;在电影或书籍中,我们也经常能听到这个词。除此之外,还有一些与farewell相关的词组,比如“bid farewell to”、“say farewell to”,表示“向...告别”。如果你想要表达更加感伤的情绪,也可以使用一些同义词替换,比如“goodbye”、“adieu”、“adios”。最后,在这里我想跟大家说声:我是网站编辑小张,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!祝愿大家每天都有美好的farewell时刻!
