
生活学习2024-02-12 19:44:47自考教育网




1. 词性:名词

2. 词义:

a. 费用,费用的金额:指乘坐交通工具、住宿、饮食等方面的费用。

b. 运价,票价:指乘坐公共交通工具或旅游车辆时所需支付的费用。

c. 食物,饮食:指某种特定的食物或饮料。

d. 命运,遭遇:指个人或集体所经历的各种经历和遭遇。

3. 同义词:

a. price

b. cost

c. charge

4. 例句:

a. The fare for the train ticket was quite expensive.


b. The fare for the bus is only $2.


c. The airline provided free meals during the flight.


d. He had to pay a heavy fare to achieve success in his career.



1. "fare"的发音


2. "fare"的意思


3. "fare怎么读"


4. "fare"的同义词及例句

(a) 同义词:charge, cost, price, fee

(b) 例句:

- The bus fare is $2.


- How much is the fare to New York?


- The restaurant offers a variety of fares.


- He fared well in his new job.


5. "fare同义词及例句解释"

(a) charge:指为提供服务或商品而收取的费用。

(b) cost:指购买商品或享受服务所需的花费。

(c) price:指商品或服务的标价,也可以表示成交价。

(d) fee:通常指为特定服务所收取的费用,如医生诊断费、律师咨询费等。

6. "fare"在不同场景中的用法

(a) 在旅行场景中,"fare"通常表示交通工具的票价或旅途中的食物费用。

(b) 在商业场景中,"fare"可以表示价格、成本等含义。

(c) 在日常生活中,"fare"也可以表示某人的状况或状态,如"I hope you are faring well."(我希望你过得好。)

7. "fare"与其他单词搭配

(a) "bus fare": 公交车票价

(b) "train fare": 火车票价

(c) "air fare": 飞机票价

(d) "taxi fare": 出租车费用


1. Fare的意思是“费用”,在英语中常用来指交通费用,例如:The train fare from London to Manchester is £50.

2. Fare的同义词包括cost, price, charge等,它们都可以表示“花费的钱”。

3. 除了作为名词使用外,fare也可以作为动词,意思是“过活,过日子”,例如:How are you faring after the breakup?

4. Fare也可以用来表示“表现”,例如:How did you fare in the exam?

5. 我们常听到的表达“farewell”其实就是由fare和well组合而成的,意思是“告别”,例如:Farewell, my dear friend.

6. 另外,fare也可以作为祝福语使用,表示祝福对方平安和顺利,例如:Fare thee well on your journey.

7. 总的来说,fare这个词既可以描述具体的费用和交通情况,也可以表达情感和祝福。它既可作为名词又可作为动词使用,在口语中非常常见


1. 乘坐费用 (fare for transportation)

例句:What is the fare for a bus ride in this city? (这个城市的公交车费用是多少?)

2. 餐费 (meal fare)

例句:The restaurant offers a special lunch fare on weekdays. (这家餐厅平日有特价午餐。)

3. 费用 (cost or price)

例句:The fare for this concert is quite expensive. (这场音乐会的门票价格很贵。)

4. 票价 (price of a ticket)

例句:What is the fare for a round-trip ticket to New York? (去纽约的往返票价是多少?)

5. 出行花费 (travel expenses)

例句:I need to budget my fares carefully for this trip. (我需要仔细计划这次旅行的出行花费。)

6. 旅途中的食物和住宿费用 (food and lodging expenses while traveling)

例句:We have to save money on our fares so we can splurge on food and lodging during our trip. (我们必须节省出行费用,这样在旅途中就可以大手笔地吃喝玩乐了。)

7. 感情状态 (state of mind or emotions)

例句:I'm not in the right emotional fare to deal with this problem right now. (我现在心情不好,无法处理这个问题。)

8. 历程或经历 (journey or experience)

例句:Her life has been a tumultuous fare, full of ups and downs. (她的生活经历充满了波折和起伏。)

9. 坐车 (to travel by vehicle)

例句:I prefer to fare by train instead of taking a plane. (我更喜欢坐火车而不是飞机旅行。)

10. 情况或结果 (situation or outcome)

例句:How did you fare in the exam? (你考试成绩如何?)


1. Price - The fare for the train ticket was quite expensive.

2. Fee - The taxi fare from the airport to the hotel was included in the tour package.

3. Cost - The total fare for our trip to Europe was over $5000.

4. Tariff - The airline increased their fares during peak travel season.

5. Charge - The fare for the bus ride is only $2 per person.

6. Ticket price - The fare for the concert was too high, so I decided not to go.

7. Fare rate - The fare rates for different airlines vary depending on the destination.

8. Passage fee - The ferry fare to the island is only $10 roundtrip.

9. Fare cost - We were surprised by how much the taxi fare cost us in this city.

10. Fare charge - The train conductor informed us of the additional fare charge for bringing large luggage onboard

fare作为一个名词,可以表示乘车费用或者是食物的种类。它的发音为/fɛr/,读起来并不困难。在日常生活中,我们也可以用一些相关的短语来描述它的用法,比如说"pay one's fare"(支付车费)和"fare well"(过得好)。此外,fare也有一些同义词,比如fee、price等,在不同的语境中可以替换使用。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望今天的文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和应用fare这个词汇。如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢阅读!
