get out是什么意思,get out同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:36:01自考教育网

你是否经常听到别人说“get out”,但却不知道它的意思是什么?或许你也会被这个词的多种用法搞得晕头转向。今天,我将为你解开这个谜团,让你彻底掌握“get out”的含义。同时,我还会分享一些关于它的同义词和例句,让你更加深入地了解它。让我们一起来探索这个充满魅力的词语吧!

get out的意思是什么

在英语中,get out一般可以指代“离开”、“出去”、“走开”等意思。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。

如果我们要表达“离开某个地方”的意思,除了使用get out之外,还可以使用leave、exit、depart等同义词。例如:“Please get out of the room.”(请离开房间。)“They decided to leave the party early.”(他们决定早点离开派对。)“The train will depart from platform 2.”(火车将从2号站台出发。)

get out是什么意思,get out同义词及例句

此外,get out还可以表示“摆脱”、“逃脱”等含义。例如:“He managed to get out of his boring job.”(他设法摆脱了无聊的工作。)“The prisoner tried to get out of jail by digging a tunnel.”(囚犯试图通过挖隧道逃脱监狱。)

另外,get out也可以用来表示“提取”、“拿出”的意思。例如:“I need to get some money out of the ATM.”(我需要从ATM机里取一些钱出来。)“Could you please get the book out of my bag?”(你能把书从我的包里拿出来吗?)

get out的读音


get out的读音其实很简单,它的发音是/dʒet aʊt/。可以简单理解为“杰特奥特”。


接下来让我们一起来了解一下get out的意思吧!

首先,它最常见的意思是“离开”,比如,“I need to get out of here.”(我需要离开这里。)

除此之外,它还可以表示“出去”,“逃脱”等含义。例如,“Get out of my room!”(出去,我的房间!),“He managed to get out of the burning building.”(他设法逃离了起火的建筑。)

除了以上常见用法外,get out还有一些同义词可以替换使用。比如,“leave”、“exit”、“escape”等等。

1. I just want to get out of this boring meeting.


2. The cat managed to get out of the house through the open window.


3. Get out of my way, I'm in a hurry!


现在,你已经掌握了get out的读音、意思及同义词,赶快去练习一下吧!相信你很快就能轻松地使用它啦!

get out的用法和双语例句

1. get out是什么意思?

在英语中,get out通常有两种意思。第一种意思是“离开”,指离开某个地方或场合。例如,“It's getting late, we should get out of here.”(现在已经很晚了,我们应该离开这里了。)第二种意思是“发现”,指发现某件事或情况。例如,“I can't believe it! I just got out that I won the lottery!”(我简直不敢相信!我刚刚发现我中了彩票!)

2. get out的同义词有哪些?

在不同的语境下,get out可以有不同的同义词。例如,在“离开”的意思下,可以用leave、exit、depart等;在“发现”的意思下,可以用discover、find out、realize等。

3. get out的例句

- Can you please get out of my room?(你能不能请出我的房间?)

- I have to get out of this relationship before it's too late.(我必须在为时已晚之前结束这段关系。)

- She finally got out that she was pregnant.(她终于发现自己怀孕了。)

- I need to leave work early today, can you cover for me?(我今天需要早点离开工作,你能替我顶班吗?)

- Did you find out who ate all the cookies?(你知道是谁吃掉了所有的饼干吗?)

- We discovered a hidden path that led to the waterfall.(我们发现了一条通往瀑布的隐藏小路。)

- I realized I forgot my keys after I got out of the car.(我下车后才意识到我忘记带钥匙了。)

get out的词组

1. Leave - 离开

例句:Please get out of my house immediately. - 请立即离开我的房子。

2. Exit - 出口

例句:The only way to get out of this building is through the emergency exit. - 唯一的离开这栋建筑的方法是通过紧急出口。

3. Depart - 离去

例句:He decided to get out of the country and start a new life elsewhere. - 他决定离开这个国家,在其他地方开始新的生活。

4. Escape - 逃脱

例句:The prisoner managed to get out of his cell by digging a tunnel under the wall. - 囚犯通过在墙下挖隧道成功逃脱了牢房。

5. Evacuate - 撤离

例句:Residents were advised to get out of their homes as the hurricane approached. - 飓风逼近时,居民被建议撤离家园。

6. Flee - 逃跑

例句:People were forced to get out of the war-torn city in search of safety and shelter. - 人们被迫离开战乱的城市,寻求安全和庇护所。

7. Withdraw - 撤退

例句:The company had to get out of the market due to intense competition and financial losses. - 公司不得不因激烈的竞争和财务损失而退出市场。

8. Abandon - 放弃

例句:The team had to get out of the game due to severe injuries to their star players. - 由于球队的明星球员受重伤,他们不得不退出比赛。

9. Egress - 出口

例句:The building has multiple egress points for people to get out in case of an emergency. - 这栋建筑有多个出口供人们在紧急情况下离开。

10. Disembark - 下船/下飞机

例句:Passengers were eager to get out of the plane after a long and tiring flight. - 长途疲惫的旅程后,乘客们急于下飞机

get out的同义词示例

1. Leave - "I need to leave the party early tonight."

2. Exit - "Please exit the building in an orderly manner."

3. Depart - "The train will depart from platform 3 in 10 minutes."

4. Evacuate - "In case of emergency, please evacuate the building immediately."

5. Escape - "The prisoners managed to escape from their cells."

6. Flee - "The residents were forced to flee their homes due to the natural disaster."

7. Vacate - "Please vacate the premises by 10 PM."

8. Withdraw - "He decided to withdraw from the competition due to his injury."

9. Get away - "Let's get away from the city and go on a road trip."

10. Move out -"They have decided to move out of the city and live in the countryside."

get out是一个常用的短语,它有多种意思和用法。希望本文能够帮助读者更加全面地了解这个短语,并且能够在日常生活中更加灵活地运用它。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我是网站的编辑,将为大家带来更多有趣的语言知识。祝愿大家在学习语言的路上越走越远,越来越精通!
