get to是什么意思,get to同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:44:23自考教育网

想必大家都对“get to”这个词组并不陌生,它在日常生活中的使用频率非常高。但是你真的了解它的含义吗?今天,我将带你一起探索“get to”的奥秘。从它的含义、读音、用法和双语例句,再到词组和同义词示例,让我们一起来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。相信通过本文的介绍,你会对“get to”有一个更深入的认识,并发现它可能隐藏着令人惊喜的意义。那么,让我们开始吧!

get to的含义

1. "Get to"是一个常见的短语,它的含义是“到达”、“抵达”或者“达到”的意思。它通常用来指到达某个地点或者完成某项任务。

get to是什么意思,get to同义词及例句

2. “Get to”的同义词包括“arrive at”、“reach”、“attain”等。例如,“I need to get to the airport by 9am.”(我需要在早上9点前到达机场。)“She finally got to the top of the mountain after hours of hiking.”(经过几个小时的徒步,她终于登上了山顶。)

3. “Get to”的另一个含义是“开始做某事”,通常用来表示开始做一件事情或者抓住机会去做某事。例如,“Let's get to work on this project right away.”(让我们立即开始这个项目吧。)“I finally got to fulfill my dream of traveling around the world.”(我终于有机会实现环游世界的梦想了。)

4. “Get to”的同义词包括“start”、“begin”、“commence”等。例如,“We need to get to cooking dinner before our guests arrive.”(我们需要在客人到达之前开始做晚餐了。)“She finally got to pursue her passion for photography after retiring from her job.”(她退休后终于有机会追求她对摄影的热爱了。)

5. 另外,“get to”还可以表示“有机会做某事”或者“达成某种状态”。例如,“I hope to get to meet my favorite celebrity someday.”(我希望有一天能有机会见到我最喜爱的名人。)“She finally got to be the manager of her own company after years of hard work.”(经过多年的努力,她终于成为了自己公司的经理。)

6. “Get to”的同义词包括“have the opportunity to”、“achieve”、“attain”等。例如,“I never thought I would get to travel to so many different countries in my lifetime.”(我从来没有想过我会有机会在一生中去这么多不同的国家旅行。)“He got to fulfill his dream of becoming a professional athlete after years of training.”(经过多年的训练,他终于实现了成为职业运动员的梦想。)

7. 总而言之,“get to”的含义是多样且灵活的,它可以指到达某个地点、开始做某事、有机会做某事以及达成某种状态。它也可以用来表示抓住机会或者实现梦想。使用时需要根据上下文来理解其具体含义,并结合适当的同义词来表达

get to的读音

你知道get to是怎么读的吗?其实很简单,就是/gɛt tu:/。现在我们来看一下get to这个词的意思和用法吧!

get to的用法和双语例句

1. get to是什么意思?

Get to是一个常用的短语,意思是“到达某地”、“达到某处”、“开始做某事”等。它通常用来表示到达目的地或开始进行某项活动。

2. get to的同义词

- Arrive at:到达某地

- Reach:达到某处

- Start:开始做某事

3. get to的例句

- I can't wait to get to the beach and start sunbathing.


- We need to get to the airport early or we'll miss our flight.


- It takes about an hour to get to my office by bus.


4. “get +to + 动词”的其他用法


- Get back:回来/回去(get back home 回家)

- Get up:起床(What time do you usually get up? 你通常几点起床?)

- Get along with:与...相处融洽(I always get along well with my coworkers. 我总是和我的同事相处得很好。)

5. “get +to + 名词”的其他用法


- Get to know:了解(I want to get to know more about your culture. 我想更多地了解你们的文化。)

- Get to the bottom of:弄清楚...的真相(We need to get to the bottom of this issue. 我们需要弄清楚这个问题的真相。)

- Get to the point:说到重点(Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. 别拐弯抹角了,说重点吧。)

get to的词组

1. Reach

- 意思:到达,抵达

- 同义词:arrive, attain, access

- 例句:I can't wait to reach my destination and start my vacation.

2. Arrive at

- 意思:到达,抵达某地点

- 同义词:reach, get to, come to

- 例句:We finally arrived at the airport after a long flight.

3. Make it to

- 意思:成功到达某地点或完成某事

- 同义词:reach, get to, arrive at

- 例句:I wasn't sure if I could make it to the top of the mountain, but I did!

4. Get as far as

- 意思:走到某一程度或距离

- 同义词:reach, get to, make it to

- 例句:We got as far as the second checkpoint before we had to turn back.

5. Come to/come up with/get around to

- 意思:开始做某事,着手处理某事

- 同义词:start on, begin with, tackle

- 例句: I finally came to the decision that I needed a new job.

6. Manage/struggle/have difficulty + V-ing

- 意思: 设法做成,努力做成,遇到困难做成

- 同义词: accomplish, achieve, overcome

- 例句: After struggling for hours, we managed to fix the broken car.

7. Get down/around to

- 意思:开始做某事,着手处理某事

- 同义词:start on, begin with, tackle

- 例句:I finally got around to cleaning my room after putting it off for weeks.

8. Get through/finish up

- 意思:完成,做完某事

- 同义词:complete, accomplish, wrap up

- 例句:I can't wait to get through this project and have some free time.

9. Make it over

- 意思:成功通过(难关)

- 同义词:get through, overcome, conquer

- 例句: After a lot of hard work and determination, she finally made it over the obstacles in her way.

10. Get by/get along with

- 意思:勉强过活,应付过去

- 同义词:survive, manage, cope with

- 例句: With the little money we have, we just have to get by until I find a new job

get to的同义词示例

1. Reach - "I need to reach my destination by 9am."

2. Arrive at - "We finally arrived at the party after getting lost."

3. Make it to - "I hope we can make it to the concert on time."

4. Get as far as - "We only managed to get as far as the first checkpoint before our car broke down."

5. Attain - "He was determined to attain his dream of becoming a doctor."

6. Achieve - "She worked hard to achieve her goal of owning her own business."

7. Gain access to - "Only authorized personnel are allowed to gain access to this area."

8. Obtain - "I need to obtain a visa before I can travel abroad."

9. Get hold of - "I'll try my best to get hold of some tickets for the game."

10. Manage - "We managed to finish the project just in time."

通过以上的介绍,相信大家对get to这个词的含义已经有了一定的了解。不仅如此,我们还为大家提供了get to的读音、用法和双语例句、词组以及同义词示例,希望能够帮助大家更好地掌握和使用这个词。如果您觉得本文对您有所帮助,请不要忘记关注我,我是网站编辑,将为您带来更多有趣、实用的知识。祝愿大家在学习英语的道路上取得更好的成绩!
