give up是什么意思,give up同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 09:07:35自考教育网

你是否经常遇到不认识的英语单词,却又不知道如何快速查找其含义?今天,我们就来探讨一下行业标题“give up”究竟是什么意思。这个简单的短语背后,隐藏着丰富多彩的用法和同义词,让我们一起来揭开它的神秘面纱吧!同时,还会为您带来更多常见短语和搭配用法,让您轻松学习英语。想要了解更多有趣的内容吗?那就跟着我一起探索吧!

give up的含义

1. give up的基本含义

give up是什么意思,give up同义词及例句

Give up是一个动词短语,通常用来表示放弃、放手或把某事交给别人。它可以用来指放弃某种行为、想法、计划或责任等,也可以表示认输或屈服。

2. give up的同义词

- Surrender:表示屈服、投降或认输,通常指在战争、比赛或争论中被迫放弃。

例句:After hours of negotiations, the rebels finally decided to surrender.


- Abandon:表示放弃、抛弃或离开,通常指主动地放弃某物或某人。

例句:The mother had to abandon her newborn baby due to financial difficulties.


- Renounce:表示宣布放弃、否认或拒绝接受,通常指公开宣布不再拥有某物或做某事。

例句:He renounced his citizenship and moved to another country.


3. give up的例句

- I have decided to give up smoking for the sake of my health.


- The team gave up their lead in the last quarter of the game.


- After years of struggling, she finally gave up her dream of becoming an actress.


- He refused to give up his seat on the bus to the elderly lady.


4. give up的衍生含义

除了基本含义外,give up还可以有其他衍生含义,如:

- 放弃某种习惯或嗜好:give up smoking/drinking (戒烟/戒酒)

- 放弃某种追求或希望:give up on one's dreams/goals (放弃自己的梦想/目标)

- 认输或屈服于某人:give oneself up to someone (向某人投降/屈服)

- 把某物交给他人处理:give something up to someone (把某物交给某人处理)

Give up是一个常用的动词短语,它可以表示放弃、认输、屈服或把某事交给别人。它的同义词包括surrender、abandon和renounce等,而其衍生含义还有放弃某种习惯、放弃追求或认输于某人等。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到需要用到give up的情况,因此熟练掌握其含义及用法是非常重要的

give up的发音

听起来像“给阿普”,但实际上是“吉夫阿普”。不要被这个发音难倒,它其实是一个很常见的短语,意思是放弃。下面让我们来看看一些与give up相关的同义词及例句吧!

1. abandon (v.): 放弃

例句:He abandoned his dream of becoming a doctor and decided to pursue a career in art.

2. quit (v.): 退出,放弃

例句:I can't believe you quit your job without having another one lined up.

3. surrender (v.): 投降,屈服

例句:The army was forced to surrender after months of fighting.

4. relinquish (v.): 放弃,放手

例句:She reluctantly relinquished her role as CEO to pursue her passion for writing.

5. give in (phr. v.): 屈服,让步

例句:After hours of negotiation, he finally gave in and agreed to the terms.

无论是在学习英语还是工作生活中,我们都会遇到需要放弃某些事物的时候。有时候这可能会让我们感到挫败和失望,但也可以成为我们成长和进步的机会。希望通过学习这些同义词及例句,你能更加灵活地运用give up这个短语,并勇敢面对生活中的挑战!

give up的用法及例句

1. give up的意思

Give up是一个常用的短语,表示放弃、抛弃、放手或认输。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。当它作为及物动词时,后面通常跟着名词或代词作宾语;当它作为不及物动词时,后面通常跟着介词短语。

2. give up的同义词

- Surrender:表示屈服、投降、放弃。

例句:He refused to surrender to his illness and fought bravely until the end.


- Abandon:表示放弃、抛弃、离开。

例句:She abandoned her dream of becoming a doctor and pursued a career in art instead.


- Relinquish:表示放弃、交出。

例句:He had to relinquish his position as CEO due to health issues.


3. give up的例句

- I give up smoking last year and I feel much healthier now.


- She gave up her seat for an elderly lady on the bus.


- After hours of searching, they finally gave up looking for the lost dog.


- He refused to give up his dream of becoming a professional athlete, despite all the challenges he faced.


- The company had to give up its plans for expansion due to financial difficulties.


4. give up的用法

Give up可以用来表示放弃某种习惯、活动或计划;也可以表示放弃某种权利、主张或责任。它还可以表示认输、屈服或投降。

5. give up的常见搭配

- Give up on:放弃对某事物的期望或信心。

例句:I haven't given up on finding a solution to this problem yet.


- Give up something:放弃某物。

例句:I have decided to give up sugar for a healthier lifestyle.


- Give up on someone:对某人失去信心或希望。

例句:I have given up on him ever changing his ways.


- Give up the ghost:死亡、放弃或停止运作。

例句:The old car finally gave up the ghost and we had to get a new one.


Give up是一个常用的短语,表示放弃、抛弃、放手或认输。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。除了表示放弃某种习惯、活动或计划外,它还可以表示放弃某种权利、主张或责任,以及认输、屈服或投降。它常与介词on、something和someone搭配使用。使用时要注意上下文语境,避免歧义

give up的同义词示例

1. Surrender - 投降

例句:He refused to surrender even when his enemies had surrounded him.


2. Abandon - 放弃

例句:She had to abandon her dream of becoming a doctor due to financial constraints.


3. Quit - 退出

例句:He decided to quit his job and travel the world.


4. Renounce - 放弃

例句:She renounced her title as queen in order to marry the man she loved.


5. Relinquish - 放弃

例句:He was forced to relinquish his position as CEO due to a scandal.


6. Give in - 屈服

例句:After hours of negotiation, they finally gave in and agreed to the terms.


7. Cede - 让出

例句:The country was forced to cede its territory after losing the war.


8. Yield - 屈服

例句:He refused to yield to their demands and stood his ground.


9. Abjure - 放弃

例句:He abjured his former beliefs and embraced a new ideology.


10. Waive - 放弃

例句:She decided to waive her right to the inheritance in favor of her siblings.


give up的常见短语和搭配用法

1. 放弃 (give up)

- 同义词:abandon, quit, surrender, relinquish

- 例句:She decided to give up her dream of becoming a doctor and pursue a career in art instead.

2. 放弃希望 (give up hope)

- 同义词:lose hope, abandon hope, give in

- 例句:Despite facing many challenges, she never gave up hope and eventually achieved her goals.

3. 放弃努力 (give up trying)

- 同义词:give in, surrender, quit

- 例句:After failing multiple times, he finally gave up trying to pass the exam and decided to pursue a different career path.

4. 投降 (surrender/give up)

- 同义词:yield, concede, submit

- 例句:The army was forced to surrender/give up after being outnumbered and outgunned by the enemy.

5. 放弃权利 (give up rights)

- 同义词:relinquish rights, waive rights

- 例句:He had to give up his parental rights after being deemed unfit to raise his children.

6. 停止使用/放弃习惯 (give up a habit)

- 同义词:quit a habit, break a habit

- 例句:He finally gave up smoking after years of trying to quit.

7. 放弃计划/打算 (give up plans/intentions)

- 同义词:abandon plans/intentions, cancel plans/intentions

- 例句: They had to give up their plans to travel due to unexpected circumstances.

8. 放弃争论 (give up an argument)

- 同义词:drop an argument, concede

- 例句:After realizing they couldn't come to an agreement, they decided to give up the argument and move on.

9. 放弃控制 (give up control)

- 同义词:relinquish control, surrender control

- 例句:She had to give up control of her business when she fell ill and couldn't manage it anymore.

10. 放弃权力/职位 (give up power/position)

- 同义词:relinquish power/position, step down

- 例句:The president was forced to give up his position after a vote of no confidence from the people

我们可以清楚地了解到give up一词的含义及其发音。它不仅可以表示放弃、放下的意思,还可以指代停止做某件事、把某物交出等。同时,我们也介绍了give up的同义词及常见短语和搭配用法,希望能够帮助读者更加准确地使用这一词汇。作为网站的编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和技巧,如果您喜欢我的文章,请记得关注我哦!祝愿大家在学习英语的路上越走越远,取得更大的进步!
