
生活学习2024-02-14 09:21:51自考教育网




1. 什么是give?


2. 如何发音?


3. give的同义词有哪些?

Give的同义词包括:offer, provide, donate, present, hand over等。

4. give的例句有哪些?

- She gave me a present for my birthday.


- The company will give a bonus to all employees this year.


- I always try to give back to the community by volunteering.





1. Could you give me a hand with this heavy box? (你能帮我抬一下这个重箱子吗?)

2. The company will give a bonus to all employees this year. (公司今年将给所有员工发放奖金。)

3. She always gives her best in everything she does. (她做任何事情都会尽力。)

4. The teacher gave us some useful tips for the exam. (老师给了我们一些考试的有用建议。)

5. I want to give my parents a surprise on their anniversary. (我想在父母结婚纪念日给他们一个惊喜。)


1. give的意思


- Can you give me a glass of water?(你能给我一杯水吗?)

- The doctor gave me some medicine for my headache.(医生给了我一些治头痛的药。)

2. give的发音


3. give的同义词


- donate:捐赠

- provide:提供

- hand over:交出

- deliver:递送

4. give的例句


- give in:屈服,放弃抵抗。例如:After hours of negotiation, he finally gave in and accepted their offer.(经过几个小时的谈判,他最终屈服并接受了他们的提议。)

- give up:放弃。例如:I have decided to give up smoking.(我已经决定戒烟。)

- give back:归还。例如:Please give back the book you borrowed from me last week.(请把你上周从我这里借的书还给我。)

- give off:释放,散发。例如:The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance.(花散发出一股甜美的香味。)


1. Provide - 提供

- Can you give me some information about the event? (你能给我一些关于这个事件的信息吗?)

- The company will give us a discount on our next purchase. (公司将会给我们下次购买提供折扣。)

2. Offer - 提供,提议

- She gave to help the homeless people in her community. (她提供帮助给她社区的无家可归的人。)

- I can give you a ride to the airport if you need it. (如果你需要,我可以提议送你去机场。)

3. Grant - 授予

- The government has decided to give financial grants to small businesses affected by the pandemic. (政府决定授予受疫情影响的小型企业财政补助。)

- The university will give him a scholarship for his outstanding academic performance. (大学将授予他奖学金,以表彰他杰出的学术表现。)

4. Donate - 捐赠

- Many people are willing to give blood to help those in need. (许多人愿意捐血来帮助那些需要帮助的人。)

- She decided to give all her old clothes to charity instead of throwing them away. (她决定把所有旧衣服捐给慈善机构,而不是扔掉它们。)

5. Contribute - 贡献,捐赠

- We should all try to give back to our community in some way. (我们都应该尝试以某种方式回馈我们的社区。)

- The company's employees have decided to give a portion of their salary to support a local charity. (公司的员工们决定捐出部分工资来支持当地的慈善机构。)

6. Provide with - 提供给

- The hotel will give us with a complimentary breakfast during our stay. (酒店将会在我们入住期间免费提供早餐。)

- My parents always gave me with everything I needed growing up. (我父母在我成长过程中总是给予我所有我需要的东西。)

7. Supply - 供应,提供

- The store will give us with all the materials we need for the project. (商店将为我们提供所有项目所需的材料。)

- The organization is dedicated to giving clean water to communities in need. (这个组织致力于为需要帮助的社区提供清洁水源。)

8. Bestow - 赠予,给予

- The king will give his daughter with a crown on her wedding day. (国王将在女儿结婚那天赠予她一顶皇冠。)

- The award was bestowed upon him for his contributions to the field of science. (这个奖项是因为他对科学领域的贡献而授予他的。)

give是一个多义词,它可以表示给予、提供、捐赠等含义,发音为/dʒɪv/。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词,例如“give me a hand”(帮我一个忙)、“give a speech”(发表演讲)等。除了以上提及的同义词外,还有其他一些同义词如donate、contribute等。总之,give是一个非常常用且重要的词汇,在英语学习中必不可少。作为网站的编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣且实用的知识和内容,请大家多多关注我!
