go against是什么意思,go against同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 12:00:29自考教育网

标题:了解“go against”的含义和用法,让你的英语更地道 内容: 1. “go against”是什么意思? 2. 如何正确发音及使用这个短语? 3. 举例说明“go against”的用法 4. 同义词和近义词有哪些? 5. 反义词及其用法示例 导语: 今天,我们将一起来探讨一个常见的英语短语——“go against”。它的含义和用法可能会让你感到困惑,但是不要担心,通过本文的介绍,你将能够更加地理解这个短语并正确运用它。无论是在口语还是写作中,“go against”都是一个非常实用的表达方式。那么,“go against”到底指什么呢?如何准确地发音和使用它?让我们一起来揭开它的神秘面纱吧!

go against的含义和用法

1. 含义:go against指违反、违背或反对某种规则、准则或观念。

2. 同义词:violate, disobey, defy, oppose, contradict, disregard等。

go against是什么意思,go against同义词及例句

3. 例句:

- His actions went against the company's code of conduct.


- The decision to cut funding for education goes against the government's promise to prioritize it.


- She always goes against her parents' wishes and does what she wants.


go against的发音及读法

1. 发音:[ɡoʊ əˈɡɛnst],读作“哥-阿-根斯特”。

2. 同义词:oppose, defy, resist, rebel against。

3. 例句:

a. His decision to go against his family's wishes caused a lot of tension at home.


b. The students decided to go against the school's dress code and wear their own clothes.


c. The team's strategy went against everything they had practiced for weeks.


d. She couldn't help but go against her boss's orders when she saw how unfair they were.


go against的例句和用法示例

1. “Go against”的意思是违背或违反某种规定、法律或道德准则。

例句:His actions go against everything he claims to believe in. (他的行为违背了他所声称的一切信念。)

2. “Go against”的同义词包括violate、disobey、defy等。

例句:It is never okay to go against the law. (违反法律从来都不是可以接受的。)

3. “Go against”的用法示例可以用于各种场景,比如:

- 在学校:Cheating on a test goes against the school's code of conduct. (在考试中作弊违反了学校的行为准则。)

- 在工作场所:As an employee, it is important not to go against company policies. (作为员工,不要违反公司政策是很重要的。)

- 在家庭生活中:Children often go against their parents' rules and do things they know they shouldn't. (孩子们经常违背父母的规定,做他们知道不应该做的事情。)

go against的同义词及近义词

1. Defy:违抗,违背

例句:He defied his parents' wishes and dropped out of college.


2. Oppose:反对,抵制

例句:I strongly oppose the new policy.


3. Resist:抵抗,抗拒

例句:She resisted the temptation to eat the chocolate cake.


4. Challenge:挑战,质疑

例句:The students challenged the teacher's authority.


5. Rebel:反叛,造反

例句:The citizens rebelled against the corrupt government.


6. Contradict:违背,与...相矛盾

例句:His actions contradict his words.


7. Disobey:不服从,违背命令

例句:Children often disobey their parents' rules.


go against的反义词及用法示例

1. 反义词:comply with

用法示例:In order to succeed, you must comply with the rules and regulations set by the company.

2. 反义词:follow

用法示例:If you want to achieve your goals, you must follow the guidelines given by your mentor.

3. 反义词:obey

用法示例:Children are expected to obey their parents' instructions.

4. 反义词:conform to

用法示例:In order to fit in with the group, you have to conform to their beliefs and values.

5. 反义词:adhere to

用法示例:As a professional, it is important to adhere to ethical standards in your work.

6. 反义词:abide by

用法示例:It is important for citizens to abide by the laws of their country.

7. 反义词: yield to

用法示例: Sometimes it's necessary to yield to others' opinions in order to maintain harmony in a relationship.

8. 反义词: surrender to

用法示例: The defeated army was forced to surrender to the enemy's demands.

9. 反义词: give in

用法示例: Don't give in to peer pressure, stay true to yourself and your beliefs.

10. 反义词: submit

用法示例: In order for your article to be published, you must submit it according to the guidelines provided by the journal

go against是一个常用的短语,意为“违背,违反”。它的发音为ɡoʊ əˈɡenst,读作“哥阿盖恩斯特”。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个短语来表达不同的含义。希望本文能帮助到大家更好地理解和使用go against。最后,我是网站的编辑小李,如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!同时也欢迎大家留言分享自己对go against的理解和用法。谢谢阅读!
