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The pronunciation of "grasse"

So you've come across the word "grasse" and you're wondering what it means, how to pronounce it, and if there are any similar words or examples of its usage. Well, you've come to the right place! As an expert in the translation and interpretation industry, let me break it down for you.


1. What does "grasse" mean?

To put it simply, "grasse" is a French word that means "fat" or "greasy". It can also refer to something that is oily or has a thick consistency. So if someone says your fries are too grasse, they're basically saying they're too greasy.

2. How do you pronounce "grasse"?

Now onto the tricky part - the pronunciation. In French, the letter "s" is often silent at the end of a word, so "grasse" is pronounced as [gras], with a silent "s". Think of it like saying "grass" without the final "s".

3. Synonyms for "grasse"

If you're looking for other words to use instead of grasse, here are some synonyms: fatty, greasy, oily, heavy. These words all have a similar meaning and can be used interchangeably depending on the context.

4. Examples of using "grasse"

To help you better understand how to use this word in context, here are some examples:

- The pizza was too grasse for my liking.

- I always feel sick after eating something grasse.

- The mechanic told me my car's engine was grasse and needed cleaning.

So there you have it - everything you need to know about the word "grasse". Now go impress your friends with your newfound knowledge! And remember to always pronounce it with a silent "s". Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

Is "grasse" an idiom?

Are you struggling to understand the meaning of "grasse"? Do you find yourself wondering if it's just a made-up word or if it has some hidden meaning? Don't worry, you're not alone! In this article, we'll dive into the world of "grasse" and uncover its secrets.

1. What does "grasse" mean?

Let's start with the basics. "Grasse" is not a commonly used word in English, so it's understandable that you might not be familiar with it. In fact, it's not even an English word at all! It is actually a French word, pronounced as "grahss," and it means "grass."

2. How do you pronounce "grasse"?

As mentioned before, "grasse" is pronounced as "grahss." The double 's' at the end makes the 's' sound longer and softer. So next time someone asks you how to pronounce this word, you can confidently say: "It's like saying 'grass' with an extended 's' sound at the end."

3. Are there any synonyms for "grasse"?

Yes, there are several words that can be used interchangeably with "grasse." Some examples include turf, lawn, meadow, and pasture. However, keep in mind that these words may have slightly different meanings depending on the context in which they are used.

4. Can "grasse" be used in idiomatic expressions?

This is a tricky question because technically speaking, an idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the individual words themselves. Since "grasse" simply means grass, it cannot be considered an idiom. However, people may use it in creative ways to convey a certain meaning or add emphasis to their speech.

5. Example sentences using "grasse"

- The cows were grazing on the lush grasse in the meadow.

- The gardener mowed the grasse in the park to keep it neat and tidy.

- The smell of freshly cut grasse filled the air after the rain.

In conclusion, "grasse" is a French word that means "grass." It can be pronounced as "grahss" and has several synonyms such as turf, lawn, meadow, and pasture. While it may not be an idiom itself, it can be used creatively in expressions to convey a certain meaning. So next time you come across this word, you'll know exactly what it means!

Usage and examples of "grasse"

1. "Grasse"是一个法语单词,读作[ɡʁas],意为“草地”或“草坪”。它也可以用来形容某个地方有大片的绿色植物覆盖。

例句:The park is full of grasse and flowers, making it a perfect spot for a picnic.

2. “Grasse”也可以指香水之都,因为法国南部城市格拉斯(Grasse)是世界闻名的香水产地。

例句:I bought this perfume in Grasse, it smells amazing!

3. 同义词:meadow、lawn、pasture

例句:We had a lovely picnic on the meadow next to the river.

4. 除了指草地,"grasse"还可以用来形容某件事物很顺利或很成功。

例句:The party was a grasse, everyone had a great time.

5. "Grasse"也可以用来表示某人很幸运或很幸福。

例句:She's living the grasse life, traveling around the world and doing what she loves.

6. 反问表达法:Is there anything better than lying on the grasse and watching the clouds go by?

7. 修辞手法-比喻:Her smile was like a ray of sunshine on a grasse field, brightening up everyone's day.

8. 幽默元素:I wish my bank account was as green as a grasse field after rain

Antonyms and synonyms of "grasse"

1. Antonyms of "grasse":

- Concrete

- Solid

- Firm

- Stable

2. Synonyms of "grasse":

- Soft

- Flexible

- Malleable

- Pliable

3. Example sentences:

- The ground was covered in soft, green grasse.

- She used a firm hand to shape the grasse into a beautiful sculpture.

- The concrete sidewalk contrasted with the delicate blades of grasse growing between the cracks.

- The artist used pliable grasse to create a unique and intricate design.

So next time someone asks you what "grasse" means, you can confidently explain its antonyms and synonyms, along with some examples. Happy learning!

Explanation of "grasse"

1. "Grasse"的含义是什么?


2. 如何正确读音"grasse"?


3. "Grasse"的同义词有哪些?

与“grasse”意思相近的词语包括:"herbe"(法语)、 "grass"(英语)、 "yerba"(西班牙语)、 "erba"(意大利语)等。

4. 例句:"Grasse"在句子中如何使用?

- The fields were covered in lush grasse.


- The air was filled with the scent of grasse and wildflowers.


- I love the smell of fresh grasse after it rains.


