
生活学习2024-03-10 18:17:17自考教育网



What does Grumman mean?


在航空航天领域,Grumman通常指代格拉曼飞机公司(Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation),该公司成立于1929年,总部位于美国纽约州。它曾经生产过许多著名的军用飞机,如F-14战斗机、E-2预警机等。此外,该公司还参与了阿波罗登月计划和国际空间站项目。

除了作为公司名称,Grumman也可以指代该公司生产的具有特定型号的飞机。例如,F-14战斗机也被称为“格拉曼猫(Grumman Cat)”,因为它具有猫头鹰状的外形。

在一些文学作品中,Grumman也被用作人物名称。最著名的例子就是英国作家菲利普·普尔曼(Philip Pullman)所著《黑暗物质三部曲》中的主要角色之一——一只会说话、穿着三件西服、拥有灵魂伴侣的北极熊。他的全名是Iorek Byrnison,但人们更习惯称呼他为“格拉曼”(Grumman)。


How do you pronounce Grumman?

1. Grumman的含义


2. Grumman的发音

Grumman这个词的发音比较特别,它有两种常用的读法:[gruhm-uhn] 和 [groo-muhn]。第一种发音重点在第一个音节,即“gruhm”,第二种发音则将重点放在第二个音节,“groo”。

3. Grumman的同义词


4. Grumman的例句


- The Grumman Corporation was founded in 1930 and has since become a leader in the aerospace industry.


- The F-14 Tomcat, a fighter jet produced by Grumman, was used by the US Navy from 1974 to 2006.


- The Grumman E-2 Hawkeye is a carrier-based aircraft used for airborne early warning and control.



Usage and examples of Grumman

1. What does Grumman mean?

Grumman is a name of a company that specializes in aerospace and defense technology. The name comes from the founders, Leroy Grumman and Jake Swirbul, who established the company in 1929.

2. How do you pronounce Grumman?

Grumman is pronounced as "GRUH-muhn" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for Grumman

Some synonyms for Grumman include Northrop Grumman, NGC, and Grummans.

4. Examples of usage

- "Grumman is known for its innovative designs in aircraft and spacecraft."

- "Northrop Grumman Corporation acquired Grumman Aerospace Corporation in 1994."

- "The F-14 Tomcat was one of the most iconic planes produced by Grumman."

Phrases with Grumman

1. Grumman Aerospace Corporation - Grumman航空公司

例句:Grumman Aerospace Corporation is a major American aerospace and defense company. - Grumman航空公司是一家重要的美国航空与国防公司。

2. Grumman F-14 Tomcat - Grumman F-14猫式战斗机

例句:The Grumman F-14 Tomcat was a supersonic, twin-engine, two-seat, variable-sweep wing fighter aircraft. - Grumman F-14猫式战斗机是一种超音速、双引擎、双座、可变后掠机翼的战斗机。

3. Grumman C-2 Greyhound - Grumman C-2灰鹰运输机

例句:The Grumman C-2 Greyhound is a twin-engine, high-wing cargo aircraft used by the United States Navy for carrier onboard delivery (COD) missions. - Grumman C-2灰鹰运输机是美国海军用于航母上交付任务的双引擎、高翼货机。

4. Northrop Grumman Corporation - 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司

例句:Northrop Grumman Corporation is an American global aerospace and defense technology company formed by the merger of Northrop Corporation and Grumman Corporation in 1994. - 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司是一家由北罗普公司和格鲁曼公司于1994年合并而成的美国全球航空与国防技术公司。

5. Grumman E-2 Hawkeye - Grumman E-2鹰眼预警机

例句:The Grumman E-2 Hawkeye is an American all-weather, carrier-capable tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft. - Grumman E-2鹰眼是一种美国全天候、航母适用的战术空中预警飞机。

6. Grumman TBF Avenger - Grumman TBF复仇者轰炸机

例句:The Grumman TBF Avenger was a torpedo bomber developed for the United States Navy and Marine Corps during World War II. - Grumman TBF复仇者是二战期间为美国海军和海军陆战队研发的一种鱼雷轰炸机。

7. Grumman F6F Hellcat - Grumman F6F地狱猫战斗机

例句:The Grumman F6F Hellcat was a carrier-based fighter aircraft used extensively by the United States Navy during World War II. - Grumman F6F地狱猫是二战期间被美国海军广泛使用的航母战斗机。

8. Bethpage Assembly Plant - 贝思佩奇装配厂

例句:The Bethpage Assembly Plant was a manufacturing facility operated by the Grumman Aerospace Corporation from 1930 to 1994. - 贝思佩奇装配厂是由Grumman航空公司于1930年至1994年运营的一家制造设施。

9. Grumman F-11 Tiger - Grumman F-11虎式战斗机

例句:The Grumman F-11 Tiger was a supersonic, single-seat carrier-based fighter aircraft designed for the United States Navy. - Grumman F-11虎式战斗机是一种超音速、单座航母战斗机,为美国海军设计。

10. Grumman G-21 Goose - Grumman G-21鹅式飞机

例句:The Grumman G-21 Goose was a flying boat and amphibious aircraft designed for commercial and military use. - Grumman G-21鹅式飞机是一种水上飞机和两栖飞机,用于商业和军事用途

Synonyms for Grumman with examples

1. What does Grumman mean?

- What's the meaning of Grumman?

- What is the definition of Grumman?

2. How do you pronounce Grumman?

- How is Grumman pronounced?

- What is the correct pronunciation of Grumman?

3. Synonyms for Grumman

- Alternatives for Grumman

- Other words for Grumman

4. Examples of using Grumman in a sentence

- Instances of using Grumman in a phrase

- Sample sentences with the word Grumman

In summary, Grumman is a company that specializes in aerospace and defense technology. It has a long history and has contributed greatly to the development of aviation. Grumman is pronounced as "Gruh-muhn" and is often used in phrases such as "Grumman Aerospace" or "Grumman Corporation". Some synonyms for Grumman include "aerospace company", "defense contractor", and "aviation manufacturer". As the editor of this website, I hope you have found this article informative and interesting. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly. Thank you for reading, and don't forget to follow our website for more exciting articles like this one!
