
生活学习2024-03-10 22:35:48自考教育网

标题:halt是什么意思? 内容:['halt的拼音', 'halt怎么读', 'halt的用法和双语例句', 'halt的词组', 'halt同义词示例'] 导语:大家是否曾经遇到过这样的情况,看到一个英文单词,却无法准确地理解它的含义?今天我们就来探讨一下“halt”的意思。它是如何发音的?该如何正确地使用它?还有哪些常见的词组和同义词可以帮助我们更好地理解它呢?让我们一起来揭开这个神秘单词的面纱吧!


1. halt的拼音为[hɔːlt],是一个动词,意为“停止”、“中止”。

2. 它的过去式和过去分词分别为halted和halted,现在分词为halting。


3. 在英语中,halt也可以作名词使用,意为“停止”、“中止”,其复数形式为halts。

4. halt的同义词包括:stop、cease、pause、end等。

5. halt的反义词包括:continue、proceed、resume等。

6. halt也可以用作形容词,意为“不稳定的”、“蹒跚的”。

7. 例句:

- The train halted at the station.


- The negotiations have halted due to disagreements.


- She halted in her tracks when she saw the snake.


- The economy has come to a halt due to the pandemic.


8. 类似用法:

- stop:强调完全停止或阻止某事物继续进行。

- cease:指某事物从原来的状态或活动转变到无状态或无活动状态。

- pause:暂时中断某事物后再继续进行。

- end:指某事物结束后再没有进一步发展或进行。

9. 注意:

- 在英语中,halt也可以用于军事术语,意为“停止前进”。

- halt也可以用于口语中,意为“说话停顿”、“犹豫不决”


1. 读音


2. 词性及含义


3. 同义词


4. 用法示例

(1) The train came to a halt at the station. (火车在车站停下来了。)

(2) The company has called a halt to all new projects due to financial difficulties. (由于财务困难,公司已经暂停了所有新项目。)

5. 搭配短语

(1) come to a halt:停下来、中止

(2) call a halt:宣布停止、终止

(3) bring/bring to a halt:使停下来、使中断

(4) grind/come to a grinding halt:慢慢地停下来、逐渐中断

6. 常见错误用法


7. 词源


8. 相关词汇

(1) halting:犹豫的、支吾的

(2) halter:绳套、颈圈


1. 什么是halt?

Halt是一个英语单词,意为“停止”、“暂停”、“中止”。它可以用作动词或名词,常见的搭配有halt something(停下某事)、bring to a halt(使停止)、come to a halt(停下来)等。

2. Halt在双语例句中的使用

- The train came to a halt at the station. (火车在站台上停下来了。)

- The company decided to halt production due to the pandemic. (由于疫情,公司决定暂停生产。)

- The protestors demanded that the construction of the new factory be halted immediately. (抗议者要求立即停止新工厂的建设。)

- The teacher's loud shout brought the students' chatter to a halt. (老师大声喊叫让学生们的闲聊停止了。)

3. Halt的同义词与近义词


- Stop:指完全不再进行某项活动或行动。

- Cease:指暂时或永久地终止某项活动或行动。

- Suspend:指暂时地中断某项活动或行动。

4. Halt与stop的区别


- The bus halted at the stop sign. (公交车在停车标志处停下来了。)

- The rain stopped just in time for the wedding. (雨在婚礼前及时停了。)

5. Halt的反义词


6. Halt的派生词



1. Put a halt to - 终止,停止

例如:We need to put a halt to this project until we have more funding.

2. Come to a grinding halt - 停顿,停止运转

例如:The factory's production came to a grinding halt due to the power outage.

3. Call a halt to - 叫停,宣布结束

例如:The coach called a halt to the game due to the heavy rain.

4. Screech to a halt - 急刹车,突然停下来

例如:The car screeched to a halt just in time to avoid hitting the pedestrian.

5. Bring/bring something/someone to a halt - 使某物/某人停下来

例如:The loud noise brought the party to a sudden halt.

6. Halt and catch fire - 故障,出现问题

例如:My computer suddenly halted and caught fire while I was working on an important project.

7. Halt in its tracks - 突然停止前进

例如:The runner was halted in his tracks by an injury during the race.

8. Grind/come/grind something/come grinding (to) a halt - 停止运转,终止

例如:The negotiations between the two countries have ground/come grinding (to) a halt due to disagreements on trade policies.

9. Halt at nothing - 不惜一切代价,不择手段

例如:He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even if it means hurting others.

10. Put an end/halt/a stop/a brake on something - 终结,阻止某事发生

例如:We need to put an end/a stop/a brake on these rumors before they cause more damage


1. Stop - 停止

例如:The train came to a sudden stop at the station. (火车突然在车站停下来了。)

2. Cease - 终止

例如:The company has decided to cease all operations in the country. (公司决定终止在这个国家的所有业务。)

3. Halt - 停顿

例如:The marching band came to a halt when they reached the end of the parade route. (当他们到达游行路线的终点时,军乐队停顿了。)

4. Pause - 暂停

例如:He took a pause before answering the question. (他在回答问题之前暂停了一下。)

5. Break - 中断

例如:I need to take a break from work, I'm feeling exhausted. (我需要休息一下,我感觉筋疲力尽。)

6. Standstill - 静止

例如:Traffic on the highway came to a standstill due to an accident up ahead. (由于前面发生事故,高速公路上的交通陷入了静止状态。)

7. Cessation - 停止

例如:The ceasefire agreement led to a cessation of hostilities between the two countries. (停火协议导致两国之间敌对行动的停止。)

8. Hold - 暂停

例如:We need to put this project on hold until we receive more funding. (我们需要暂停这个项目,直到我们获得更多资金。)

9. Termination - 终结

例如:The contract was terminated due to breach of agreement. (由于违反协议,合同被终止了。)

10. Freeze - 冻结

例如:The bank froze my account due to suspicious activity. (银行因为可疑的活动冻结了我的账户。)

