
生活学习2024-03-11 06:22:54自考教育网



The meaning of "heartbreaker"











How to pronounce "heartbreaker"






Usage and examples of "heartbreaker"

1. What does "heartbreaker" mean?

"Heartbreaker" is a noun that refers to someone who breaks hearts or causes emotional pain to others, usually in a romantic or intimate relationship.

2. How do you pronounce "heartbreaker"?

The correct pronunciation of "heartbreaker" is [hahrt-brey-ker]. The emphasis is on the second syllable.

3. Examples of usage:

- She was known as a heartbreaker, leaving a trail of broken hearts wherever she went.

- He was such a smooth talker, but in the end, he turned out to be just another heartbreaker.

- Don't fall for his charms, he's a notorious heartbreaker.

- She was devastated when she found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her. He was such a heartbreaker.

4. How can you use "heartbreaker" in conversation?

- Did you hear about Jane? She broke up with her boyfriend again. She's such a heartbreaker.

- I can't believe he cheated on me. I never thought he would be such a heartbreaker.

- My friends warned me about him, but I didn't listen. Now I'm just another one of his heartbreakers.

- Don't be fooled by his good looks and charm, he's nothing but a heartbreaker.

5. Why is "heartbreaker" popular among young people?

Young people often use slang terms like "heartbreaker" to describe someone who has caused them emotional pain or disappointment in relationships. It is also used as an endearing term for someone who may have unintentionally caused hurt feelings.

In conclusion, "heartbreaker" is a commonly used term to describe someone who breaks hearts or causes emotional pain in relationships. Its usage and popularity are mainly among young people, and it is pronounced [hahrt-brey-ker]

Phrases with "heartbreaker"

1. "Heartbreaker"的意思是什么?

- "Heartbreaker"一词通常用来形容那些让人心碎的人或事物。它可以指一个具有吸引力但又难以抵挡的人,也可以指一件令人失望或痛苦的事情。

2. 怎么读“heartbreaker”?

- “heartbreaker”读作[hahrt-brey-ker],重音在第一个音节上。

3. 你是一个“heartbreaker”吗?

- 哦,不,我可不是那种让人心碎的人!我只是一个AI程序,没有感情啦。但是如果你想知道自己是否是一个“heartbreaker”,可以问问身边的朋友或暗恋你的人,他们可能会给出更准确的答案。

4. “Heartbreaker”也可以用来形容音乐或歌曲吗?

- 是的,在流行文化中,“heartbreaker”也经常被用来形容那些感情动人、令人难忘的歌曲或音乐家。比如著名歌手Mariah Carey就有一首歌叫做“Heartbreaker”。

5. 有哪些和“heartbreaker”相关的短语?

- 除了常见的“break someone's heart”(伤害某人)、“be a heartbreaker”(成为一个心碎者)之外,还有一些其他短语也和“heartbreaker”有关。比如“heartbreaking”(令人心碎的)、“heartbreakingly beautiful”(令人心碎的美丽)、“heartbroken”(伤心欲绝的)等等。

6. 怎么用“heartbreaker”来形容一个人?

- “Heartbreaker”通常用来形容那些具有吸引力、迷人但又让人受伤的人。比如,“She's a real heartbreaker with her charming smile and flirtatious ways.”(她那迷人的微笑和调情的方式让她成为一个真正的心碎者。)

Synonyms for "heartbreaker"

1. Heartthrob - This term refers to someone who is incredibly attractive and has the ability to break hearts with their charm and good looks.

2. Casanova - A person who is known for their romantic pursuits and has a reputation for breaking hearts along the way.

3. Lady-killer - This term is used to describe someone who is very successful in attracting and seducing women, often leading to heartbreak for those involved.

4. Charmer - Someone who has a way with words and can easily manipulate others with their charm, often leaving a trail of broken hearts behind.

5. Player - A person who is skilled at playing the game of love, but often ends up hurting others in the process.

6. Heartthief - Similar to a heartbreaker, this term refers to someone who has stolen the hearts of many, but leaves them broken in the end.

7. Love rat - A person who is unfaithful and breaks hearts by cheating on their partners.

8. Flirt - Someone who enjoys flirting and leading others on, but may not necessarily have serious intentions, causing heartbreak for those involved.

9. Heartcrusher - This term emphasizes the pain caused by a heartbreaker's actions and how they can leave a lasting impact on those they have hurt.

10. Romeo - A reference to Shakespeare's tragic hero, this term describes someone who is passionate in love but ultimately leads to heartbreak for themselves or others involved

