
生活学习2024-03-11 06:25:18自考教育网


The pronunciation of heartbreak







How to pronounce heartbreak

1. 什么是heartbreak?


2. heartbreak的发音


3. 如何正确地发音?


- 首先,将注意力放在第一个音节[härt]上。

- 将舌头放在口腔底部,嘴唇微微向外撅起。

- 发出清晰而轻快的/hɑːt/声。

- 接着,在保持嘴唇位置不变的情况下,将注意力转移到第二个音节[brāk]上。

- 发出清晰而轻快的/breɪk/声。

- 最后将两个音节连起来,快速地说出[härt-brāk]。

4. 其他相关单词


- Heartache [härt-eɪk]:指的是心痛、烦恼的感觉。

- Heartbroken [härt-brō-kən]:形容词,意为“心碎的”。

- Heartfelt [härt-felt]:形容词,意为“衷心的”、“真挚的”。

5. 如何避免发音错误?


- 注意每个音节的发音;

- 将舌头放在正确位置;

- 经常练习,保持耳朵敏感度。


Usage and examples of heartbreak

1. 心碎的含义


2. 如何发音


3. 中文翻译


4. 使用场景举例

- 当我得知我的男朋友背叛了我时,我感受到了前所未有的heartbreak。

- 她因为失去了最爱的人而经历了一次又一次的heartbreak。

- 那部电影真是太感人了,我简直被它带入了一场心碎的旅程。

5. 情感表达技巧


6. 幽默元素

虽然heartbreak是一种非常痛苦的情感,但我们也可以用幽默来化解这种痛苦。比如说,“我已经被爱情折磨得不成人形了,现在只能叫我heartbroken man(心碎男人)了。”这样的幽默语言可以让读者在悲伤中找到一丝欢乐

Phrases with heartbreak

1. What does heartbreak mean?

- Heartbreak refers to the intense emotional pain and sadness one feels when experiencing a loss or disappointment in love.

2. How do you pronounce heartbreak?

- Heartbreak is pronounced as "hart-breyk" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. How do you say heartbreak in other languages?

- In Spanish, it's "desamor" or "desilusión amorosa." In French, it's "chagrin d'amour." In German, it's "Liebeskummer."

4. The agony of heartbreak

- Heartbreak can be described as a painful and overwhelming feeling of distress, sorrow, and anguish that consumes a person after a breakup or loss of a loved one.

5. Recovering from heartbreak

- It takes time to heal from heartbreak, but eventually, the pain will lessen and you will be able to move on with your life.

6. The stages of heartbreak

- Just like grief, there are different stages of heartbreak that one goes through - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

7. A shattered heart

- When someone experiences extreme heartbreak, it can feel like their heart has been shattered into a million pieces.

8. Heartbroken but not hopeless

- Even though you may feel brokenhearted now, remember that there is always hope for love and happiness in the future.

9. Songs about heartbreak

- Many artists have written songs about their experiences with heartbreak such as Adele's "Someone Like You" and Taylor Swift's "All Too Well."

10. Moving on from heartbreak

- While it may seem impossible at first, it is possible to move on from heartbreak and find love again in the future

Synonym examples for heartbreak

1. Heartache: A synonym for heartbreak, this word conveys the intense emotional pain and sadness one feels after a breakup or loss.

2. Despair: This word captures the feeling of hopelessness and deep sadness that often accompanies heartbreak.

3. Agony: Similar to heartache, this word emphasizes the physical and emotional pain that comes with heartbreak.

4. Sorrow: A more poetic term for heartbreak, conveying a sense of grief and mourning for what has been lost.

5. Devastation: This word suggests the overwhelming and destructive impact of heartbreak on one's emotions.

6. Melancholy: A feeling of deep sadness and melancholy often accompanies heartbreak, as one reflects on what could have been.

7. Misery: This word captures the intense suffering and unhappiness that comes with heartbreak.

8. Pain: A simple yet powerful synonym for heartbreak, emphasizing the emotional hurt caused by a breakup or loss.

9. Torment: This word suggests a state of mental anguish and torture, often experienced during times of heartbreak.

10. Trauma: Heartbreak can be traumatic, causing long-lasting emotional scars that are difficult to heal


