
生活学习2024-03-11 06:59:29自考教育网


The meaning of heat


1. heat的基本含义


首先,我们来看看heat的基本含义。在英语中,heat是指高温、热量或者热情。例如,“The heat in the room was unbearable.”(房间里的热量令人难以忍受)“She spoke with great heat about her passion for cooking.”(她对自己对烹饪的热情大谈特谈)

2. 如何正确读音heat?


3. 同义词及例句


- warmth:温暖

例句:“The warmth of the sun felt good on my skin.”(阳光的温暖感觉在我的皮肤上很舒服)

- fervor:热情、激情

例句:“He spoke with great fervor about his love for music.”(他对自己对音乐的爱大谈特谈)

- intensity:强度、热情

例句:“The intensity of their love for each other was evident in their eyes.”(他们彼此的热情在他们的眼神中显而易见)

How to pronounce heat


1. 发音:首先,我们来看一下这个单词的发音。它的读音是 /hiːt/,其中的 “e” 是静音的,所以不需要读出来。注意,“h” 是一个不发音的辅音,所以要把重点放在 “ee” 的发音上。

2. 同义词:除了 “heat”,还有一些同义词可以用来表达相同的意思。比如,“warmth”、“temperature”、“hotness”等等。它们都是指物体表面或周围的温度。

3. 例句:为了更好地理解这个单词,在这里给大家举几个例句吧。比如,“The heat of the sun is unbearable today.”(今天阳光太热了,简直难以忍受。)“I can feel the heat from the fire.”(我能感觉到火焰散发出来的热量。)“She turned on the heater to warm up the room.”(她打开暖气让房间变暖和起来。)

Usage and examples of heat

1. Heat的含义:指的是物体内部或周围的能量,通常表现为温度的升高。

2. 发音:[hiːt],与“hit”发音相似,但“heat”的发音更长。

3. 同义词:temperature, warmth, hotness

4. 例句:

- The heat from the fire warmed our cold hands.


- The heat of the summer sun was unbearable.


- I can feel the heat radiating from the oven.


- The intense heat caused the ice to melt quickly.


- He couldn't stand the heat and had to take a break in the shade.


Phrases with heat

1. Heat up - to become hotter or make something hotter.

Example: The sun is starting to heat up the room.

2. In the heat of the moment - in a state of intense emotion or excitement.

Example: He said some hurtful things in the heat of the moment.

3. Take the heat - to bear or endure criticism or punishment.

Example: The CEO took all the heat for the company's failure.

4. Heat wave - a period of unusually hot weather.

Example: The city is experiencing a heat wave, with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees.

5. Feel the heat - to experience pressure or stress from a difficult situation.

Example: The team felt the heat as they were behind in the final minutes of the game.

6. Heat-seeking - guided by infrared radiation, typically used in reference to missiles or weapons.

Example: The military has developed new heat-seeking technology for their missiles.

7. Heat stroke - a serious condition caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, resulting in dizziness, nausea, and potentially death.

Example: It's important to stay hydrated and take breaks in extreme heat to avoid heat stroke.

8. Catch fire/heat - to become popular or successful quickly.

Example: The new artist's music caught fire and became an instant hit.

9. Heat treatment - a process of heating and cooling metal materials to improve their strength and durability.

Example: The metal parts undergo a heat treatment process before being used in production.

10. Heat index - a measure of how hot it feels when relative humidity is factored into air temperature.

Example: The weather report warned of high temperatures and dangerous heat index levels for tomorrow

Synonyms of heat with examples

1. What does heat mean?

- What is the definition of heat?

- What is the meaning of heat?

2. How do you pronounce heat?

- How do you say heat?

- How is heat pronounced?

3. Synonyms for heat:

- Warmth

- Hotness

- Temperature

- Heatwave

- Scorching

4. Examples:

- The heat in this room is unbearable.

- I can feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.

- The hotness of the chili peppers made my mouth burn.

- The temperature outside is reaching record highs.

- We're experiencing a scorching summer this year.

5. Other ways to say "heat":

- Fire

- Blaze

- Boiling point

- Intensity

- Passion

6. Examples:

- The fire's heat kept us warm during the cold winter night.

- The blazing sun beat down on us as we hiked through the desert.

- Water reaches its boiling point at 100 degrees Celsius.

- The intensity of her performance left us all in awe.

- Their love was filled with passion and warmth.

7. Heat-related idioms:

- In the hot seat: being in a difficult or uncomfortable situation

Example: He was in the hot seat when his boss asked him to explain his mistake in front of everyone.

8. Idioms continued:

- Turn up the heat: to increase pressure or intensity

Example: Our coach turned up the heat during practice to push us harder.

9. Heat-related phrases:

- Feel the heat: experience pressure or stress

Example: I could feel the heat from my boss as he criticized my work.

10. Phrases continued:

- Take the heat: accept criticism or blame

Example: As a manager, you have to be able to take the heat when things go wrong.

11. Alternative words for "hot":

- Sizzling

- Boiling

- Roasting

- Sweltering

- Blistering

12. Examples:

- The sizzling summer sun made it hard to stay outside for too long.

- The boiling water bubbled and steamed on the stove.

- We roasted marshmallows over the campfire.

- The sweltering heat made it difficult to breathe.

- My feet were blistering in the hot sand at the beach.

13. Other ways to describe "heat":

- Intense

- Fiery

- Burning

Example: The intense heat of the sauna made me feel like I was on fire.

14. In conclusion, heat can be described in many different ways, from synonyms like warmth and hotness, to idioms like "in the hot seat" and phrases like "feel the heat." No matter how you say it, one thing is for sure – heat can be both uncomfortable and enjoyable at the same time. So next time you feel the heat, remember these different ways to describe it and use them in your everyday conversations!

