
生活学习2024-03-11 07:48:37自考教育网



你是否经常听到别人说"to new heights"或者"reaching new heights"这样的表达,但却不知道它们的意思是什么?其实,heights这个词在英语中有着多重含义,下面就让我来为你揭晓吧!

首先,heights可以指代高度或海拔。比如,我们常说的Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰)就是世界上海拔最高的山峰。而当我们谈论一个人的身高时,也可以使用heights这个词,比如"He is of average heights."(他身高一般)。此外,作为一个同义词,heights还可以用来表示top或peak,例如"The singer reached the heights of her career with her latest album."(这位歌手凭借她最新的专辑达到了事业的巅峰)。


其次,heights也可以指代极限、顶峰或成就。比如,在商业领域中常用的短语"to new heights"就是指达到新的顶峰或突破自我。另外,在运动领域中也经常听到类似的表达,比如"He pushed himself to new heights and won the gold medal."(他挑战自我并赢得了金牌)


1. heights的发音及读音


2. heights的词性及意思


3. heights的同义词及例句

- 同义词:elevation、altitude、peak、summit

- 例句:

a. The heights of the mountains were covered in snow.


b. She reached the heights of her career at a young age.


4. heights常见搭配短语

- reach/climb to new heights:达到新的高度/攀登新高峰

- great/lofty/soaring heights:巨大的/高耸的/飞扬的高度

- dizzying/giddy heights:令人眩晕的高度

5. 关于heights的其他用法和表达方式


- new heights:新境界/新水平

- unprecedented heights:前所未有的高度


- at the height of:在……最繁荣/最强盛时期

- to new heights:达到新的高度

6. heights的词源及相关词汇


- heighten:提高;增加

- high:高的;高度;强烈的

- altitude:海拔;高度

- peak:顶峰;最高点

- summit:顶峰;最高点


1. heights的意思是“高度”,指某物或某人的高度或海拔高度。例如:“The heights of these mountains are breathtaking.”(这些山的高度令人惊叹。)

2. heights的读音为/haɪts/,注意/d/和/t/之间的轻微爆破音。

3. heights的同义词包括:elevations, altitudes, peaks等。例如:“The peak of the mountain is covered in snow.”(这座山峰顶部覆盖着雪。)

4. “to reach new heights”是一个常用的短语,意思是“达到新的高度”,通常用来形容取得巨大成功或成就。例如:“Her career has reached new heights since she started her own business.”(自从她开始创业以来,她的事业已经达到了新的高度。)

5. “to be afraid of heights”是另一个常用短语,意思是“害怕高处”。例如:“I can’t go on roller coasters because I’m afraid of heights.”(我不能坐过山车,因为我害怕高处。)

6. “on the height(s) of”也是一个常见短语,意思是“在…最高点”。例如:“The sun was setting on the height of the mountain.”(太阳正在山顶上落下。)

7. “heights”也可以指某个地区或社区中海拔较高的地方,例如:“The wealthy live in the heights of the city.”(富人居住在城市的高地。)

8. “to scale the heights”是一个形象化的短语,意思是“攀登高峰”,通常用来形容克服困难或取得成功。例如:“She scaled the heights of her career through hard work and determination.”(她通过努力和决心攀登了事业的高峰。)

9. “heights”也可以指某种情绪或状态的极点,例如:“I was on cloud nine, I had reached the heights of happiness.”(我感觉像置身于九霄云外,达到了极致的幸福。)

10. “to fall from great heights”是一个常用短语,意思是“从高处跌落”,通常用来形容某人或某物从成功或权势中跌落。例如:“He fell from great heights after his scandal was exposed.”(他在丑闻曝光后从权势巅峰跌落。)


1. Heights of Success 成功的高度

例句:She reached new heights of success in her career. 她在事业上取得了新的成功高度。

2. Great Heights 高峰

例句:The mountain climbers reached great heights during their expedition. 登山者们在探险中达到了巨大的高峰。

3. New Heights 新高度

例句:The company's profits have reached new heights this year. 公司今年的利润达到了新的高度。

4. Heights of Emotion 情感的高度

例句:The movie takes you to new heights of emotion with its powerful story. 这部电影通过强大的故事情节带你达到情感的新高度。

5. Heights of Adventure 冒险之旅

例句:We went on a hike to the heights of adventure in the mountains. 我们去山上进行冒险之旅。

6. Heights of Excellence 卓越之处

例句:The artist's work has reached new heights of excellence with his latest masterpiece. 这位艺术家最新的杰作展现出了他卓越之处。

7. Soaring to New Heights 飞跃新高度

例句:With hard work and determination, she soared to new heights in her career. 凭借努力和决心,她在事业上飞跃到了新的高度。

8. Reach for the Heights 追求更高境界

例句:Don't be afraid to reach for the heights and chase your dreams. 不要害怕追求更高境界,去追逐你的梦想。

9. Heights of Creativity 创造力的顶峰

例句:The artist's latest piece showcases the heights of creativity and imagination. 这位艺术家最新的作品展示了创造力和想象力的顶峰。

10. The Heights of Love 爱情之巅

例句:Their love reached new heights when they got married last year. 去年他们结婚后,他们的爱情达到了新的高度


1. Peaks - "Peaks"是heights的同义词,指的是高峰或顶峰。例如:"The mountaineers reached the peaks of the mountain after a long and difficult climb."

2. Elevations - "Elevations"也可以用来代替heights,意为海拔高度或高处。例如:"The city is located at high elevations, providing a stunning view of the surrounding landscape."

3. Altitudes - "Altitudes"与heights意思相近,指的是高度或海拔。例如:"The airplane reached an altitude of 30,000 feet during the flight."

4. Summits - "Summits"可以表示heights,特别指顶点或最高点。例如:"After hours of hiking, they finally reached the summit of the mountain."

5. Pinnacles - "Pinnacles"也可以用来表达heights,特别指尖峰或巅峰。例如:"The climbers conquered the pinnacles of the rock face with skill and determination."

heights是指高度的意思,读作[hɑɪts]。它可以用作名词,表示“高处”、“高地”、“高处景色”等。例如:The city is surrounded by mountains and offers breathtaking heights.(这座城市被山脉环绕,提供令人叹为观止的高处景色。)除此之外,heights也可以作为词组出现,如at great heights(在很高的地方)。其同义词包括elevation、altitude等。如果你想要了解更多关于英语单词的含义和用法,请关注我,我是网站编辑,将为您带来更多有趣的内容。谢谢阅读!
