
生活学习2024-03-11 08:03:32自考教育网



1. 音标:/hɛld/

2. 词性:动词(过去式及过去分词形式)



3. held的用法

held作为动词,通常用来表示某人或某物把某物拿在手中或抓住。例如:“She held the baby in her arms.”(她把婴儿抱在怀里。)此外,held也可以表示保持某种状态或位置。例如:“The dancer held her pose for several minutes.”(舞者保持她的姿势几分钟。)

4. held的相关短语

- hold on:等一下、坚持不懈

- hold back:阻止、克制、隐瞒

- hold out:坚持、维持、伸出

- hold off:推迟、阻挡

- hold up:支撑、延迟、举起

5. held与其他单词的搭配

- be held responsible for:对...负责

- be held accountable for:对...负有责任

- be held captive by:被...囚禁

- be held in high regard by:受到...高度尊重

6. 类似含义的单词

- grasp:抓住、掌握

- clutch:抓住、紧握

- grip:紧握、抓牢

7. held的反义词

held的反义词为let go,意为“放开”、“松手”。例如:“He held on to the rope tightly and then let go.”(他紧紧抓住绳子,然后放开了。)

8. held的近义词

- seize:抓住、夺取

- grasp:抓住、掌握

- grip:紧握、掌控

9. held在其他语言中的翻译

- 法语:tenir

- 西班牙语:sostener

- 德语:halten

- 意大利语:tenere

- 日语:持つ(もつ)

- 韩语:잡다(japda)


1. held的含义


2. held的用法

Held作为动词的过去式和过去分词形式,通常与助动词have连用来构成完成时态,例如:I have held the book for an hour(我已经把这本书拿了一个小时了)。此外,held也可以作为及物动词使用,表示“举行”、“召开”,例如:The conference will be held next week(会议将于下周举行)。

3. held的同义词


4. held在短语中的用法

a. hold on:等待、坚持不懈;

b. hold back:阻止、抑制;

c. hold up:支撑、支持;

d. hold off:推迟、延缓;

e. hold out:坚持、维持。

5. held的常见搭配

a. held responsible:被追究责任;

b. held accountable:被要求承担责任;

c. held in high regard:受到高度尊重;

d. held at gunpoint:被枪指着;

e. held in custody:被拘留。

6. held的用例

a. He has always held a strong belief in the power of education.


b. The company will hold a press conference to announce its new product.


c. The police are holding the suspect for questioning.


d. The athlete held the world record for 10 years.




1. held的基本意思


2. held作为动词的用法

a. 表示持续状态:He held a book in his hand.(他手里拿着一本书。)

b. 表示抓住或握住:She held her child tightly.(她紧紧地抱着孩子。)

c. 表示控制或管理:The company is held by a group of investors.(这家公司由一群投资者控制。)

3. held作为名词的用法

a. 表示掌控或支配:The government has a firm hold on the economy.(政府对经济有牢固的掌控。)

b. 表示抓牢或支撑:The rope provided a good hold for the climbers.(绳子为攀岩者提供了良好的支撑。)

4. held的常见搭配

a. hold onto something/someone: 紧紧抓住某物/某人

例句:She was so scared that she held onto her friend's hand tightly.


b. hold back: 抑制、阻止

例句:He couldn't hold back his tears when he heard the sad news.


c. hold up: 支撑、耐久

例句:The old bridge can't hold up the weight of the truck.


5. held的常见用法

a. be held responsible/accountable for something: 对某事负责/承担责任

例句:The CEO will be held accountable for the company's failure.


b. be held captive/prisoner/hostage: 被囚禁/作为人质

例句:The journalist was held captive by the rebels for two months.


c. be held in high/low regard: 受到高/低的评价

例句:His contributions to the society are held in high regard by everyone.


6. 另外,held也可以组合成其他词汇,如:

a. household: 家庭、家喻户晓的

b. stronghold: 坚固的堡垒、据点

c. uphold: 支持、维护

2. held可以作为名词,表示“控制、支配”等含义。

3. held作为动词时,常用于表示持续状态、抓住或控制;作为名词时,常用于表示掌控或抓牢。

4. held的常见搭配有hold onto something/someone、hold back、hold up等。

5. held也可以组合成其他词汇,如household、stronghold、uphold等。

6. 在日常生活和工作中,我们需要熟练掌握held的用法和搭配,以便更准确地表达自己的意思


1. Grasped - "He held onto the railing tightly as he walked down the stairs."

2. Held onto - "She held onto her memories of her childhood home."

3. Clutched - "The child clutched his teddy bear tightly as he fell asleep."

4. Embraced - "The couple embraced each other after being apart for so long."

5. Clenched - "His fists were clenched in anger as he listened to the news."

6. Gripped - "She gripped the steering wheel tightly as she drove through the storm."

7. Clasped - "He clasped his hands together in prayer."

8. Grappled with - "The team grappled with the problem until they found a solution."

9. Held tight - "The mother held her baby tight in her arms."

10. Sustained - "The bridge was sustained by strong cables."


1. Held accountable:负责任

2. Held back:阻碍、阻止

3. Held captive:被囚禁

4. Held in high regard:受到高度尊重

5. Held in custody:被拘留

6. Held responsible:负责任

7. Held for ransom:被绑架勒索赎金

8. Held up by traffic:因交通拥堵而耽搁

9. Held at gunpoint:被枪口威胁

10. Held hostage:被作为人质

held是一个非常常见的词汇,它的意思是“持有,保持”。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词,比如说,“我一直held着这份工作已经十年了”、“他held着一本书走进教室”等等。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有“grasp”、“grip”等等。在搭配短语方面,我们也要注意区分不同场景下的使用方式,“hold on”表示“别挂断电话”,而“hold back”则表示“抑制”。作为网站编辑,我希望通过这篇文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢阅读!
