
生活学习2024-03-11 21:22:21自考教育网


The pronunciation of huddle




不知道你是否有过这样的经历:在一个拥挤的地方,人们互相挤来挤去,看起来就像是一群小动物在争夺食物。这时候,“huddle”这个词就能够很好地形容他们紧密地挤在一起。比如,“The football players huddled together to discuss their strategy for the game.”

除了用于描述人群外,“huddle”也可以用来指代动物或者物体紧密排列在一起。比如,“The penguins huddled together to keep warm in the cold weather.” “The books were huddled on the shelf, waiting to be read.”

Is huddle an idiom?



但是,在日常生活中,我们也可以用huddle来描述人们聚集在一起的情况。比如说,在寒冷的冬天,我们可能会"huddle together for warmth"(挤在一起取暖);或者在商业会议中,人们可能会"huddle around the table"(围着桌子商讨)。

那么,huddle是否可以被归类为一个习语呢?从定义上来看,并不完全符合习语的特点。因为它并没有特定的隐喻含义或象征意义。但是,在某些情况下,huddle也可以被视为一个习语。比如说,如果我们用"huddle up"(聚集在一起)来表示人们开始商量或讨论某事情,这就可以被视为一种习语用法。

除了上述含义之外,huddle还有一些同义词可以替代。比如说,"cluster"、"crowd"和"group"都可以用来表示人们聚集在一起的情况。而"huddle up"则可以被替换为"gather around"或"congregate"

Usage and examples of huddle

1. Huddle的含义:Huddle是一个英语动词,意为“聚集在一起,密谋”。它也可以作为名词使用,表示“密谋会议”或“小团体”。

2. 发音:Huddle的发音为[huhd-l],读起来像是“哈德尔”。

3. 同义词:Huddle的同义词包括gather, assemble, congregate等。

4. 例句:

a) The team huddled together to discuss their strategy for the game.


b) We need to huddle and come up with a plan to solve this problem.


c) The huddle of friends whispered excitedly about their upcoming trip.


Antonyms and synonyms of huddle


1. Spread out - When people spread out, they move away from each other and take up more space, the opposite of huddling together.

Example: The group of friends decided to spread out on the beach instead of huddling together under the umbrella.

2. Disperse - This word means to scatter or break up a group, which is the opposite of huddling together.

Example: The protesters were asked to disperse and leave the area instead of huddling together in one spot.

3. Separate - When people are separated, they are not close together or huddled up.

Example: The students were told to separate into smaller groups instead of huddling together in one big crowd.


1. Clump - This word means a group or cluster of things that are close together, similar to a huddle.

Example: The cows formed a clump under the tree for shade, just like how people huddle together for warmth.

2. Gather - When people gather, they come together in one place, similar to how they might huddle up.

Example: The family gathered around the dinner table and huddled close together as they shared stories.

3. Cuddle - This word has a similar meaning to huddle, as it means to hold someone or something close for warmth or comfort.

Example: The puppies cuddled with each other for warmth as they slept in their bed, just like how we might huddle under blankets on a cold night.

4. Cluster - A cluster is a group or collection of things that are close together, similar to a huddle.

Example: The birds formed a cluster on the telephone wire before flying off in different directions, just like how people might form a huddle before going their separate ways.

5. Converge - When things converge, they come closer and closer until they meet at one point, similar to how people might huddle together.

Example: The paths of the hikers converged at the top of the mountain, where they huddled together to take a group photo

Explanation of huddle


1. Huddle的含义

Huddle的意思是“聚集在一起”,通常用来描述一群人或物体紧密地挤在一起。这个词源于古英语的“huddlian”,意为“蜷缩”。因此,当我们说“Let's huddle together”时,就是让大家紧紧地挤在一起。

2. Huddle的发音


3. Huddle的同义词


4. Huddle的例句


- The students huddled together to keep warm in the cold weather.


- The puppies huddled around their mother for protection.


- The football players huddled together to discuss their strategy.



