
生活学习2024-03-11 21:24:07自考教育网



1. "huddle"的发音



2. "huddle"的意思

"huddle"一词可以作为名词或动词使用,在不同的语境下有着不同的含义。作为名词时,它可以指人或物聚集在一起形成的小团体或小堆。例如:"The football players formed a huddle to discuss their strategy before the game."(足球队员们在比赛前组成一个小团体讨论他们的战略。)此外,在美式足球中,“huddle”也指球队在比赛中重新布置阵型和讨论战术的过程。

作为动词时,"huddle"意为聚集在一起,挤在一起或紧紧挨着。例如:"The children huddled together under the blanket to stay warm."(孩子们挤在一起躲在毯子下保暖。)此外,"huddle"也可以表示匆忙地做某事或团结在一起共同应对困难。例如:"We need to huddle and come up with a plan to solve this problem."(我们需要聚集在一起,制定一个解决这个问题的计划。)

3. "huddle"的词源


4. "huddle"的同义词


5. "huddle"的常见用法

① The team had a quick huddle before the game.(比赛前球队进行了一个快速的讨论。)

② The children huddled together for warmth.(孩子们挤在一起取暖。)

③ The refugees huddled in the makeshift shelter.(难民们挤在临时避难所里。)

④ The workers huddled around the fire to keep warm.(工人们围着火堆取暖。)

⑤ The team huddled together to come up with a new strategy.(球队团结在一起制定新的战略。)

6. "huddle"的常见搭配

① have a huddle(进行讨论、商议)

例:The board of directors had a huddle to discuss the company's future plans.(董事会进行了一次讨论,讨论公司的未来计划。)

② huddle together(聚集在一起)

例:The family huddled together in front of the fireplace on a cold winter night.(寒冷的冬夜,这个家庭挤在壁炉前取暖。)

③ huddle up(聚集、挤在一起)

例:The students huddled up in the corner of the classroom to discuss their project.(学生们挤在教室角落里讨论他们的项目。)

7. "huddle"的常见错误用法


错误用法:The players had a quick cuddle before the game.

正确用法:The players had a quick huddle before the game.(在比赛前球员们进行了一个快速的讨论。)

错误用法:The refugees huddled in the makeshift shelter for warmth.

正确用法:The refugees huddled in the makeshift shelter to stay warm.(难民们挤在临时避难所里取暖。)

错误用法:The workers huddled around the fire for warmth.

正确用法:The workers huddled around the fire to keep warm.(工人们围着火堆取暖。)




1. "huddle"的基本含义


2. "huddle"作为名词的用法

作为名词时,"huddle"指的是一群人紧紧挨在一起形成的小圈子。通常这些人都面对着同一个方向,以便更好地交流和讨论。例如:"The team had a huddle before the game to discuss their strategy."(比赛前,球队进行了一次聚集讨论他们的战术。)

3. "huddle"作为动词的用法

作为动词时,"huddle"表示人们聚集在一起并且紧密挤在一起。它可以用来描述身体上的接触,也可以表示情感上的亲密关系。例如:"The children huddled together for warmth in the cold weather."(孩子们在寒冷的天气里挤在一起取暖。) "The couple huddled together, sharing their secrets."(夫妻俩亲密地靠在一起分享彼此的秘密。)

4. "huddle"与其他单词搭配使用

"huddle"经常与其他单词搭配使用,以表达更具体的含义。例如:"team huddle"指的是团队成员聚集在一起讨论问题;"huddle up"表示人们挤在一起形成一个小圈子;"huddle down"则表示人们坐下来聚集在一起。

5. "huddle"的例句

- The players had a quick huddle before the game to discuss their strategy.


- The family huddled together under the umbrella to stay dry in the rain.


- The students huddled around the teacher, eager to hear her explanation.


- The team decided to have a huddle up session to brainstorm new ideas.


6. "huddle"的同义词

"huddle"与其他单词有着相似的含义,可以互换使用。例如:"gather", "cluster", "congregate", "assemble"等都可以表示人们聚集在一起


1. "Huddle up": 意为聚在一起,通常用于体育比赛中指队员们聚集在一起商讨战术。

例如:The coach called for the team to huddle up and discuss their next move.

2. "Huddle around": 意为围在一起,形成一个小圈子。

例如:The children huddled around the teacher, eager to hear the story.

3. "Huddle together": 意为挤在一起,通常用于形容人们因寒冷或恐惧而紧紧挤在一起。

例如:The refugees huddled together for warmth in the cold night.

4. "Huddle over": 意为密切讨论或研究某事物。

例如:The group huddled over the map, trying to come up with a plan.

5. "Huddle in": 意为躲藏或挤进某个小空间。

例如:The family huddled in the basement during the tornado.

6. "Huddle down": 意为蜷缩或靠近地面以保暖。

例如:The cat huddled down in its bed on a cold winter day.

7. "In a huddle": 意为聚集在一起讨论或商量某事。

例如:The politicians were seen in a huddle, discussing their strategy for the upcoming election.

8. "Break the huddle": 意为结束聚集,开始行动。

例如:As soon as they broke the huddle, the players ran onto the field ready to play.

9. "Huddle in the corner": 意为躲藏在角落。

例如:The shy child huddled in the corner, avoiding the attention of others.

10. "Huddle up for a photo": 意为聚集在一起拍照。

例如:The family huddled up for a photo to capture their happy memories


1. 聚集 (gather)

在英语中,huddle的意思是“聚集”,指的是一群人或物体紧密地挤在一起。例如,“The players huddled together to discuss their game strategy.”(球员们聚集在一起讨论比赛策略。)这个词可以用来形容人们在一起讨论问题、做决定或者分享想法的情景。

2. 蜷缩 (hunch)

另一个和huddle有关的同义词是“蜷缩”。当我们感到寒冷、害怕或者不舒服时,往往会把身体蜷缩起来,这种姿势和huddle所指的紧密聚集有些相似。例如,“The dog huddled in the corner, scared of the loud thunder.”(狗狗蜷缩在角落里,害怕那阵阵响雷。)这个词也可以用来形容人们因为寒冷而蜷缩在一起。

3. 挤 (squeeze)

当空间不够大,但是人们仍想要尽可能多地站在一起时,就会发生挤压现象。这时候可以用“squeeze”来形容huddle所指的情景。例如,“The concert was so crowded that we had to squeeze into a small corner to see the stage.”(音乐会太拥挤了,我们只能挤在一个小角落里才能看到舞台。)这个词也可以用来形容人们在排队、乘坐公共交通工具时的拥挤情况。

4. 拥抱 (embrace)

除了形容人们紧密聚集在一起,huddle也可以指代一种温暖的拥抱。当我们感到孤单、害怕或者需要安慰时,往往会寻求他人的拥抱。例如,“The child huddled in his mother's embrace, seeking comfort after a scary dream.”(孩子蜷缩在妈妈的怀抱里,在一场可怕的梦后寻求安慰。)这个词也可以用来形容朋友之间的亲密关系。

5. 团结 (unite)


