sitosterol是什么意思 sitosterol的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-10-31 17:17:38book

sitosterol是什么意思 sitosterol的读音、翻译、用法



1. Sitosterol has been widely used as a natural product to lower cholesterol levels.(Sitosterol 已被广泛地用作天然产品,用于降低胆固醇水平。)

2. The anti-inflammatory effects of sitosterol have been observed in various studies.(多项研究表明,sitosterol 具有抗炎作用。)

3. Sitosterol is not only found in plants, but also in some animal products such as milk and eggs.(Sitosterol 不仅存在于植物中,也存在于一些动物产品中,如牛奶和鸡蛋。)

4. The sitosterol content in seed oil is higher than that in other vegetable oils.(菜籽油中的 sitosterol 含量高于其他植物油。)

5. Sitosterol supplements are often recommended for people with high cholesterol levels.(常常建议高胆固醇患者服用 sitosterol 补充剂。)

6. The pharmacological effects of sitosterol have been extensively studied in recent years.(近年来,sitosterol 的药理作用得到了广泛研究。)

7. Sitosterol can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells in vitro.(Sitosterol 可以抑制体外前列腺癌细胞的生长。)

8. Evidence suggests that sitosterol may have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system.(证据表明,sitosterol 可能对心血管系统有保护作用。)

9. The sitosterol concentration in soybean is much higher than that in wheat and rice.(大豆中的 sitosterol 浓度比小麦和大米高得多。)

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