
生活学习2024-02-12 10:35:30自考教育网



1. 拼写:existing,发音为[ig'zistɪŋ]。

2. 字母组合:单词由8个字母组成,其中包含两个元音字母"i"和"e",分别在第二和第五个位置。


3. 词源:existing源自Latin语的现在分词existens,意为“存在的”。

4. 同义词:存在的、现有的、实际上的。

5. 反义词:non-existing(不存在的)、nonexistent(虚构的)。

6. 发音技巧:注意发音时将重音放在第二个音节上,即ig-ZIST-ing。

7. 笔记提示:单词中间有一个复杂的辅音组合st,发音时要注意清晰地区分每个字母


1. 词性:形容词

2. 词义解释:指已经存在的、现有的或现存的。通常用来描述某个事物或状态已经存在的情况,与过去、未来或可能性相对应。

3. 例句:

- The existing regulations need to be updated to reflect the current situation.


- We need to work with the existing resources to complete this project.


- The existing problems cannot be solved overnight, it requires long-term efforts.



1. existing的含义


2. existing的用法

当我们想要表达某个事物或者情况已经存在时,可以使用existing这个词汇。例如:“The existing problem needs to be solved immediately.”(这个已经存在的问题需要立即解决。)

3. existing的例句

(1) The existing system is outdated and needs to be updated.


(2) Despite the existing difficulties, we managed to finish the project on time.


(3) The company is expanding its business by acquiring existing companies in the market.


4. 使用existing的注意事项

在使用existing时,需要注意上下文语境以及所表达的含义。它可以指代具体的事物或者抽象的情况,但都是指已经存在或正在发生的事物。同时,在写作中也可以使用一些同义词替换existing,例如:current, present, ongoing等。



1. Current: existing at the present time; of the present

例:The current situation in our country is quite unstable.

2. Preexisting: existing or occurring before something else

例:The preexisting conditions of the building made it difficult to renovate.

3. Ongoing: continuing; still in progress

例:The ongoing project has faced many challenges, but we remain determined to see it through.

4. Active: in operation; functioning

例:The active volcano poses a danger to the nearby villages.

5. Extant: still existing; not destroyed or lost

例:There are only a few extant copies of this ancient manuscript left in the world.

6. In existence: currently existing or being used

例:This tradition has been in existence for centuries and is still celebrated today.

7. Present: currently existing or happening now

例:The present situation calls for immediate action.

8. Alive: living; not dead or extinct

例:Despite being endangered, efforts are being made to keep these species alive.

9. Standing: currently valid, effective, and enforceable

例:The standing agreement between the two countries has helped maintain peace in the region.

10. Functional: working or operating correctly; able to perform its intended function

例:Although old, this computer is still functional and gets the job done


1. Nonexistent: 不存在的,指事物在现实中根本不存在。


2. Absent: 缺席的,指某物或某人不在场或不可用。


3. Missing: 失踪的,指某物或某人不见了。


4. Vanished: 消失的,指事物突然消失或不复存在。


5. Disappeared: 不见了,指事物突然消失或被偷走。


