get over是什么意思,get over同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:37:18自考教育网

你是否经常在英语学习中遇到get over这个词,但却不知道它的具体含义?别担心,今天我将为你揭开这个谜团。get over是什么意思?它有哪些同义词及例句?让我们一起来探索吧!在下面的内容中,你将会发现get over的含义、发音、用法和例句,还有一些常用短语和搭配。同时,我也为你准备了一些get over的同义词示例。让我们一起来学习吧!

get over的含义

1. get over的含义

get over是什么意思,get over同义词及例句

“get over”是一个常用的短语,它有多种含义,可以作为动词、名词和形容词使用。通常情况下,它的意思是“克服”、“恢复”或“解决”。具体来说,它可以表示以下几种含义:

1.1 克服困难或挑战

当我们遇到困难或挑战时,需要努力去克服它们。这时,我们可以使用“get over”来表示我们已经成功地克服了困难或挑战。例如:I finally got over my fear of public speaking.(我终于克服了对公众演讲的恐惧。)

1.2 恢复健康或情绪

当我们生病或遭遇不幸时,需要花费一定的时间去恢复。在这种情况下,“get over”可以表示我们已经从疾病或不幸中恢复过来。例如:It took me a while to get over the flu.(我花了一段时间才从流感中恢复过来。)

此外,“get over”的另一个常见用法是指恢复正常的情绪状态。例如:It's time for you to get over your ex-boyfriend and move on.(是时候让你忘记前男友并继续前进了。)

1.3 解决问题或争议

有时,我们会遇到一些问题或争议,需要找到解决的方法。这时,“get over”可以表示我们已经解决了问题或争议。例如:We need to get over this disagreement and find a solution.(我们需要解决这个分歧并找到一个解决方案。)

1.4 克服坏习惯

除了克服困难和挑战,我们也可以使用“get over”来指克服坏习惯。例如:It's not easy to get over smoking, but it's worth it in the end.(戒烟并不容易,但最终是值得的。)

2. get over的同义词

除了“get over”之外,还有一些其他的短语可以表示相同的含义。它们包括:

2.1 overcome

这个动词意为“克服”、“战胜”,与“get over”的含义相同。例如:She finally overcame her fear of heights and went bungee jumping.(她终于克服了对高空的恐惧,并去跳蹦极。)

2.2 recover from

这个短语意为“从…中恢复过来”,通常用于指身体或情绪上的恢复。例如:He is still recovering from his injury and cannot play in the game tomorrow.(他仍在从受伤中恢复过来,明天不能参加比赛。)

2.3 resolve

这个动词意为“解决”、“解决问题”,与“get over”在解决问题方面的含义相同。例如:We need to resolve this issue before it gets out of hand.(我们需要在事态失控之前解决这个问题。)

3. get over的例句

为了更好地理解“get over”的含义,下面是一些例句:

3.1 I couldn't get over how beautiful the sunset was.(我无法忘记那美丽的日落。)

3.2 It took me a while to get over my jet lag after the long flight.(长途飞行后,我花了一段时间才从时差中恢复过来。)

3.3 She finally got over her fear of dogs and adopted one from the shelter.(她终于克服了对狗的恐惧,并从收容所领养了一只。)

3.4 We need to get over this argument and focus on finding a solution.(我们需要解决这个争论,并专注于找到一个解决方案。)

3.5 He is trying to get over his addiction to social media by limiting his usage.(他正在限制使用社交媒体来戒除对它的依赖。)

get over的发音

1. get over的发音是[gɛt ˈoʊvər]。

2. get over的同义词包括:recover, bounce back, overcome, surpass等。

3. 以下是一些关于get over的例句:

- I just can't seem to get over my fear of heights.


- It took me a long time to get over my ex-boyfriend.


- She was able to get over her illness with the help of medication and rest.


- He managed to get over his disappointment and move on with his life.


- The team's determination helped them get over the obstacles and win the championship.


4. 在英语中,get over可以有多种意思,具体取决于上下文。它可以表示“克服、恢复、超越、通过”等含义。因此,在使用时需要根据具体语境来确定其意思

get over的用法和例句

1. get over的意思

get over是一个短语动词,意为“克服、恢复、解决”。它常用于表示克服困难、恢复健康或解决问题的过程。

2. get over的同义词

get through, overcome, recover, deal with

3. get over的例句

a) I can't seem to get over my fear of public speaking.


b) It took me a while to get over the flu.


c) We need to find a way to get over this financial crisis.


d) How did you manage to get over your fear of heights?


e) Don't worry, we'll get through this together.


get over的短语和搭配

1. 意思:克服,战胜,恢复,结束

2. 同义词:overcome, conquer, recover, end

3. 例句:

- I finally got over my fear of public speaking.


- She managed to get over her illness and return to work.


- It took me a long time to get over my breakup with my ex-boyfriend.


4. 搭配:

- get over something/someone: 克服某事/某人

- get over it: 克服它/忘记它/不要再想它

- get over oneself: 克服自己的自我中心/骄傲自满

- get over the hump: 克服困难/度过难关

get over的同义词示例

1. Bounce back - 恢复,重新振作

例句:It took him a while, but he finally bounced back from his breakup and started dating again.

2. Move on - 继续前进,走出困境

例句:After losing her job, she had to move on and find a new career path.

3. Get past - 克服,度过难关

例句:With the support of her friends, she was able to get past her fear of public speaking.

4. Overcome - 克服,战胜困难

例句:Despite facing many challenges, he was determined to overcome them and achieve his goals.

5. Conquer - 征服,战胜

例句:She conquered her fear of heights by going bungee jumping with her friends.

6. Surmount - 克服,战胜困难

例句:With hard work and determination, he was able to surmount all obstacles in his way.

7. Rise above - 超越,克服困难

例句:She refused to let her past mistakes define her and rose above them to become a successful businesswoman.

8. Get through - 度过,渡过难关

例句:It was a tough time, but with the support of his family, he was able to get through it.

9. Shake off - 摆脱,克服困难

例句:He had a rough start, but he managed to shake off his self-doubt and succeed in his career.

10. Triumph over - 战胜,取得胜利

例句:Against all odds, she triumphed over her illness and made a full recovery

get over是一个非常常用的短语,它可以表示“克服、解决、恢复”,在日常生活中经常会用到。同时,它也有许多同义词可以替代,如overcome、surmount等。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们能够更加清楚地了解get over的含义和用法,并在实际应用中灵活运用。最后,我是网站的编辑小张,如果觉得本文对您有帮助,请关注我并给予支持,谢谢!
