get up是什么意思,get up同义词及例句

生活学习2024-02-14 06:45:37自考教育网

你是否曾经在英语学习中遇到过“get up”这个词,但却不知道它的意思是什么?或者你已经熟悉这个词汇,但对它的发音和读法还有些困惑?不要担心,今天我将为你揭开“get up”的神秘面纱。从定义和意思、发音和读法、用法和双语例句、词组和常用搭配,到同义词示例,我将为你一一介绍。让我们一起来探索这个常用词汇的世界吧!

get up的定义和意思

1. 定义

“get up”是一个英语短语,通常用作动词短语,意为“起床”,也可以表示“站起来”、“爬起来”等含义。它可以用于描述人类的行为,也可以用于形容物体或事物的状态。

get up是什么意思,get up同义词及例句

2. 意思

“get up”的主要意思是指从床上或坐下的位置站起来,通常指在早晨从睡眠中醒来并开始活动。它也可以表示从地上或其他低处站起来,包括从躺下、坐下、跪下等姿势站起。

除了表示人类行为外,“get up”还可以用于描述物体或事物的状态。例如,“the sun has just got up”意为“太阳刚刚升起”,“the wind is getting up”意为“风正在变强”。

3. 同义词

在不同语境下,“get up”的同义词可能有所不同。以下列举几个常见的同义词:

- Rise:与“get up”的主要意思相同,指从床上或坐下的位置站起来。

- Stand:通常指从坐姿或躺姿转变为直立姿势。

- Wake up:强调从睡眠中醒来。

- Climb:指爬上某个高处。

- Get out of bed:与“get up”意思相同,通常用于正式场合。

- Get on one's feet:指从坐或躺的姿势站起来。

4. 例句

- I usually get up at 7 am.


- The baby got up from the floor and started crawling.


- The sun gets up early in the summer.


- She climbed up the ladder to get up on the roof.


- It's time to get out of bed and start a new day.


- He got on his feet and walked towards the door.


get up的发音和读法

1. 发音:[ɡet ʌp]

2. 读法:guh-tuhp

3. 同义词:rise, stand up, get out of bed

4. 例句:

- I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning.


- It's time to get up and start your day!


- Can you please help me get up from this chair?


get up的用法和双语例句

1. get up的意思是什么?

“get up”一词通常可以指“起床”,也可以指“站立”或“爬起来”。它是一个常用的英语短语,可以用作动词或名词,具体含义取决于上下文。

2. get up的同义词有哪些?

与“get up”意思相近的词汇包括:rise, stand, climb, ascend等。它们都可以表示人从坐姿或躺姿变为站立状态,或者从地面向上移动。

3. get up的例句

- I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. (我通常早上7点起床。)

- The old lady couldn't get up from her chair without help. (这位老太太没有帮助就无法从椅子上站起来。)

- The sun gets up early in the summer. (夏天太阳早早升起。)

- She got up and left the room without saying a word. (她站起来没说话就离开了房间。)

4. get up作为动词时的用法

a) 表示起床:I usually get up at 6 o'clock.

b) 表示爬起来:The child fell down and got up immediately.

c) 表示穿戴衣服:She got herself all dressed up for the party.

5. get up作为名词时的用法

a) 表示服装或装扮:She was wearing a beautiful get up for the event.

b) 表示起床时间:What time is your usual get up?

c) 表示站立的姿势:He was standing in a strange get up.

6. get up的双语例句

- 我每天早上六点起床。(I get up at 6 o'clock every morning.)

- 她从地上爬起来,擦了擦膝盖的伤口。(She got up from the ground, wiping the wound on her knee.)

- 太阳已经升起了,我们应该准备出发了。(The sun has already got up, we should start getting ready.)

- 她穿着一套华丽的礼服出席晚宴。(She wore a gorgeous get up to attend the banquet.)

get up的词组和常用搭配

1. 起床:wake up, rise and shine, get out of bed

例句:I usually get up at 7 am on weekdays.

2. 睡醒:wake up, be awake, come to

例句:I finally woke up after sleeping for 12 hours.

3. 睡着了:fall asleep, doze off, drift off

例句:I fell asleep during the boring movie.

4. 醒来:awake, wake up, come to

例句:I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

5. 起身:get out of bed, rise, stand up

例句:It's time to get out of bed and start the day.

6. 准备起床:get ready to wake up, prepare to rise and shine

例句:I set multiple alarms to make sure I'm prepared to wake up in the morning.

7. 搭伴起床:get up together, wake up with someone

例句:My roommate and I always get up together on weekends.

8. 提前起床:get up early, wake up ahead of time

例句: I need to get up early tomorrow for an important meeting.

9. 起得早的人:get-up-early person,early riser,morning person

例句: She's definitely a morning person - she always gets up early without an alarm clock.

10. 勤奋的人:hard-working person,diligent worker,industrious individual

例句: He's a hard-working person who always gets things done on time

get up的同义词示例

1. Rise

例句:I always get up early to catch the sunrise.


2. Wake up

例句:It's time to wake up and start the day!


3. Get out of bed

例句:I struggle to get out of bed on Monday mornings.


4. Stand up

例句:She stood up from her chair and walked towards the door.


5. Get on your feet

例句:Come on, get on your feet and dance with us!


6. Spring out of bed

例句:He always springs out of bed with energy in the morning.


7. Arise

例句:The sun arose from behind the mountains, signaling the start of a new day.


8. Climb out of bed

例句:After hitting snooze multiple times, I finally climbed out of bed and got ready for work.


9. Stir awake

例句:The sound of birds chirping outside my window stirred me awake.


10. Get to your feet

例句:She got to her feet and walked over to the window to see the snow falling.


get up是一个非常常用的词汇,它有着丰富的含义和用法。希望本文能够帮助到大家更好地理解和使用get up,让我们在日常生活中更加流利地表达自己。如果你喜欢这篇文章,想要了解更多关于英语词汇的知识,欢迎关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容。祝愿大家学习进步,用好英语!
