
生活学习2024-03-11 21:24:42自考教育网




1. 拼音:huē

2. 解释:hue是英语单词"色调"的意思,也可以指代"色彩"或"色相"。它来自于古法语中的"hue",意为"颜色、外观、外表",最早出现在14世纪。

3. 发音:[hjuː],读作"hew-ee"

4. 用法:通常作为名词使用,在句子中可以做主语、宾语或定语。例如:"The artist used different hues to create a beautiful painting."(这位艺术家使用不同的色调来创作一幅美丽的画作。)

5. 同义词:shade, tint, color, tone

6. 反义词:blackness, darkness, dullness

7. 示例句子:

- The sunset was filled with hues of pink and orange.


- The room was painted in warm hues to create a cozy atmosphere.


- The artist mixed different hues of blue to create a beautiful ocean scene.


8. 相关短语:

- Hue and cry: 喧闹声,骚动

- Change one's hue: 改变某人的看法或态度

- True to one's hue: 忠于某人的本性或信念

9. 总结:hue是一个常用的英语单词,它指代"色调、色彩、色相",可以用来形容物体的颜色和外观。它的拼音为huē,读作"hew-ee"。使用时需要注意搭配合适的动词和介词,可以丰富句子表达


1. 概述


2. 名词用法

作为名词,hue通常表示一种颜色或者色彩的种类。它可以用来描述物体本身的颜色,也可以用来描述光线的颜色。例如,“The hue of the sky is changing from blue to pink.”(天空的颜色正在从蓝色变成粉红色),“She loves the hue of this painting.”(她喜欢这幅画的颜色)。

3. 动词用法

作为动词,hue表示改变或者调整物体或者光线的颜色。例如,“He hued his hair to a bright red.”(他把头发染成了亮红色),“The sunset hued the sky with shades of orange and purple.”(夕阳给天空涂上了橙色和紫罗兰色)。

4. 相关表达

除了作为名词和动词使用外,hue还有一些相关表达。例如,“a hue and cry”表示大声疾呼、喧闹;“in full hue”表示处于鲜艳明亮的颜色状态;“hue and saturation”表示色调和饱和度,是图像处理中常用的概念。

5. 用法示例


- The artist used different hues of blue to create a sense of calmness in the painting.(这位艺术家使用不同的蓝色色调在画作中营造出一种平静的感觉。)

- The sunset painted the sky with hues of pink and purple.(夕阳给天空涂上了粉红色和紫罗兰色的色彩。)

- She hued her hair to match her new outfit.(她把头发染成了与新衣服相配的颜色。)

- There was a hue and cry when the news about the scandal broke out.(当丑闻新闻曝光时,人们大声疾呼、喧闹。)





4.例句:The artist used a variety of hues to create a vibrant and colorful painting.




1. Hue是一个英文单词,读作[hjuː],意为“色调”、“色彩”。

2. 在英语中,hue通常用来描述颜色的种类或者特定的色彩。例如,“blue hue”指的是蓝色的色调。

3. 除了表示颜色外,hue也可以用来形容情绪、氛围或者特定的风格。比如,“a romantic hue”表示浪漫的氛围,“a retro hue”指的是复古风格。

4. Hue也可以作为动词使用,意为“给…着色”。例如,“She hued her hair with a bright pink dye.”(她用亮粉红色染料给头发着色了。)

5. 在日常生活中,我们经常听到一些与hue相关的短语和表达,比如“change the hue”(改变颜色)、“add some hues to your wardrobe”(给你的衣橱增添一些不同的颜色)、“bright hues”(明亮的颜色)等等。

6. 总而言之,hue是一个非常常用且多功能的单词,在描述颜色、情绪、风格等方面都有广泛应用。所以,如果你想要提升自己的英语表达能力,不妨多学习和使用这个有趣又实用的单词吧!


1. "Hue" is a term used to describe the color or shade of an object. In other words, it refers to the specific appearance of a color.


2. The word "hue" comes from the Old English word "hiw", which means form, shape or appearance.


3. In art and design, hue is an important element in creating visual impact and conveying emotions.


4. Hue can also refer to a particular style or trend, such as the "bohemian hue" or the "vintage hue".


5. The term "hue" is often used in fashion and beauty industries to describe different shades of makeup or clothing.


6. In music, hue can refer to different tones or pitches that create a sense of harmony or dissonance.


7. Hue is also a popular brand name for various products, such as hair dyes and home decor items.


8. The term "hue" is often used in literature to describe the mood or atmosphere of a story or poem.


9. In language, hue can refer to the different shades of meaning that a word can have.


10. "Hue" can also be used metaphorically to describe someone's personality or character.



1. 同义词:色彩、色调、色泽、色相、色度

2. 反义词:无色、黑白、单调、暗淡

hue是一个来自英语的单词,读作[hjuː]。它的词性为名词,源自古英语的“hīw”,意为“颜色、色调”。在现代英语中,hue一般用来指代颜色的种类或色彩的变化。它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。例如,“The artist used different hues to create a vibrant painting.”(这位艺术家使用不同的色调创作了一幅充满活力的画作。)除了常见的用法外,hue还有一些特殊搭配和双语例句,在不同场景下都能够灵活运用。如果你想要丰富自己的词汇量,不妨多多学习和使用这个单词吧!我是网站编辑小编小白,希望我的分享能够帮助到你,并且欢迎关注我的文章获取更多有趣有用的知识哦!
